Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Are you ready for some pumpkins??!?!

Not only is Fall fantastic because it's football season, it's also pumpkin season!

Whether you like pumpkins for decorating or eating, pumpkins are baaaackkk!

I stumbled across a fun website that's perfect for this time of year! I think this artist might also be up for a Crananas Artist Award! What's the big deal about some award you've never heard of? You should be so lucky to be in the running for this award. It's very prestigious after all. I made it up and you get nothing for winning. Who doesn't want to qualify to win that?!


A pumpkin carving artist, Scott Cummins, has gallery after gallery of his clever and awe-inspiring pumpkin creations on display for you to explore at your leisure. I really enjoyed looking at all of Scott's fine work but there was something else on his website that made me giggle even more than his pumpkin carvings. What might be even better than his super cool and imaginative pumpkin carvings you ask? The way he answers his FAQ. Hilarious. If I were you I would check out his website for that alone. :0)

Scott also has a pumpkin carving tutorial for you on his website and be sure to check out his pumpkin fact page. Lots of interesting and new facts to soak up!

Hopefully Scott's designs will help inspire you to creative your own pumpkin masterpiece! Happy carving!!

Scott Cummins website.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Crananas for Halloween and the Fall!!

I just go crananas for this time of year! Don't you?

The weather is perfect-sunny and crisp!

The leaves are changing colors making our surroundings look even more beautiful than normal.

Fall is when some of the best holidays start approaching on the horizon. Starting off the holiday bonanza is my personal favorite, Halloween!!!

Halloween is SO fun and I want everyone to love it as much as I do. So here are some reasons why it's so great!!

Top 5 reasons I love Halloween!

1. You can let you imagine run wild! This is the holiday where anything goes. You can dream it up and then make it a reality. Well, a pretend reality. I don't think it's possible to dream up "real" zombies or giant 3 foot spiders. That would dampen the fun if it was actually possible. The point is to have fun exploring your creativity!

You can dress up your house or apartment however you please! There's no limit to the fun you can have decorating! Fake spiders, monsters and ghosts pop up all over the place! You can decorate your home in a fun sweet manor or you can go the scary gory Halloween route! I tend to lean towards the cute and kookie but this year I did buy awesome gel clings for the windows from Target. They are bloody hand prints with little drips of blood to put on your window!! So cool! :0)

I also really enjoy walking outside in my hood and seeing all the other people getting into the fun of the holiday with their sunken pirate ships in their front yards, the graveyard headstones, and the skeleton's waving hello to those who pass. The spiders and pumpkins and ghosties, oh my!

2. Getting to dress up! Who doesn't want to be someone else every now and again? With Halloween, you are free to be whoever or whatever you want to be! Costumes and costume parties are a great way to let loose and have a good time! It's the one time of year everyone can act silly and childlike and it's OK. In fact, it's encouraged! Costumes are also another way to stretch your creative muscles.

3. The food! I don't know about you but I love a good theme. Halloween allows us to take a theme and run with it and it's never considered tacky! I love looking at all of the Halloween magazines and pictures for cool new ideas for Halloween themed recipes. The Frankenstein cupcakes, the mummy cookies, the witches fingers, the list could go on and on! Check out all the different ideas out there! The possibilities are endless! Not to mention the yummy seasonal food and drink. The caramel apples, popcorn balls, hot apple cider, pumpkin bread, cake and pie. I don't know about you but now I'm hungry!

4. The candy!!! Duh. Do I really need to say anything else about this?

5. And finally, possibly the most important, family and friends and the time spent together. The camaraderie of Halloween. Everyone walking outside together going door to door, the different festivals and pumpkin patches visited as a family or with a group of friends. Going to a Haunted House with your buddies and screaming yourself hoarse together. The fact that we still open our doors to "strangers" and welcome them and give them free candy to show our appreciation. Seeing all of the kiddos giggling and running and laughing and enjoying their time together outside, as it gets dark. That's what Halloween is all about. Enjoying ourselves. Letting loose. Spending time with those we care about.

Now who wouldn't love that? I think even the crankiest witch and the most stubborn zombie would have to agree with me on that. :0)

Happy Fall and Happy Halloween! Hope it's spooktacular!!

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