Thursday, September 30, 2010

Another great website that made me go crananas!

I stumbled across the Spoon Sisters website a while ago while looking at Real Simple's website (This is my favorite magazine of all time! Check out my older post for the scoop on the magazine! You need to have this mag, people!!)

If you are ever in a pickle about deciding what kind of gift to give, turn to The Spoon Sisters website and all your problems will be solved. My brain went into information overload with all of their creative and unique ideas! My husband's birthday was a couple months away when I was surfing through the Sisters' site for the first time and I found the fun portion of his birthday present from me ( I usually give him a "practical" gift and then a fun gift.).

A little background:

My husband likes the game of Ping Pong and plays it with my Dad when we go to visit my parents and he's often mentioned wanting to play here at our home. The problem is that we don't really have the space for a real table.

Enter The Spoon Sisters!

I found a dining room table Ping Pong set on their website and I immediately knew that it was my fun gift! The shipping was fast, everything arrived in one piece and was packaged in a cute little tin and they even included a free handwritten note with the message I had asked them to include in the packaging! And best of all, my husband was completely surprised and excited about the gift!

The Spoon Sisters have a gift for every occasion you can imagine! Here are a couple of examples:

-Here's one for your guy friend. "Dress for Dinner Napkins" sure to give everyone a giggle or two!

-Here's one for the Pessimist in your life. Maybe drinking out of this "Half Full Glass" will help change their outlook on things!

-If you need a wallet and you like PB& J sandwiches, this "Yummy Pocket" is especially for you!

-For the Hostess with the mostess, The Spoon Sisters have tons of options! This item would be a great addition to a bottle of wine for the hostess! Or maybe you could give this or this!

-A couple of my favorite finds:

Ninjabread Men


Match and Munch

Travel Nail Polish Remover

Create Your Own Night Light

I could go on and on and on!

They also have lots of gifts for children of all ages! They also have lots of interesting and kitchy books for purchase too. You could easily spend all day on this website finding the perfect gifts for everyone, including yourself, at a reasonable price! Hopefully some of my examples have enticed you to take a look at the whole website!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sesame Street parody

Oh Sesame Street, you did it again!

More fun parodies from our favorite muppets! When don't these furry guys and gals deliver? The kids are learning and having a good time and the parents get a giggle. A win/win in my book!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pop-Tart's gone crananas!!!

A Pop-Tart store? Where they sell snacks made out of Pop-tarts?

No no no no noooooo!!

I know I should be kind about this because if anyone could make my cranana hybrid fruit a reality, it's probably the Pop-Tart peeps. But I just can't hold my tongue on this story.

I'm happy to give you a couple of highlights from the article I found on the New York Times website, however make sure you take the time to read the whole article there. But here are some things that stood out to me.

To be fair, let me start with some positive remarks. :0)

1. This new Pop-Tart store is taking up residence at Times Square in New York. Prime real estate which is impressive. They aren't the first company to rent out a store front to sell their goods; M&M's and Hersey both have stores around the Time Square area. So it's not that unusual.

2. I have to say, I bet it would be fun to sit down and try to figure out all the different ways you can sell a Pop-Tart. Sort of like a Top Chef Quick Fire Challenge. The Pop-Tart people are creative in their marketing as well as their food creations and they have some interesting ideas and products to sell, sell, sell!

3. The higher ups are sort of brilliant because of course people will get sucked into the store to see what it's about and some will buy things because they think it's hilarious and wrong and some will buy because they actually think it's tasty and awesome. I'm sure they've done a good job of making the store eye popping. We are a visual society and I'm sure the look of the store will draw people in.

4. It's true one Pop-Tart isn't going to kill you. And yes, I've eaten them. When I was a teenager. For a treat now and again.

Ok, now onto the not so positive remarks!

1. Hersey and M&M's are clearly candy items and aren't masquerading as a breakfast item. Yeah, Pop-Tart, I'm talking to you. We've all seen your commercials. You think you're breakfast. Newsflash: You are a cookie! With your ingredient list and preservatives, you are worse than some cookies! Take a look at Workout Mommy's blog, she breaks the Pop-Tart down for you. You can see just how naughty these "pastries" are! Or take a look at this link, it's from the Kellogg's website. This lists all the ingredients in the Frosted Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tarts. That's an awful lot of ingredients my friends. A lot of words don't sound like food to me. And don't get me started on the high fructose corn syrup!

Now, I will admit, you did say that you were serving desserts in your cafe, so at least you are being honest there.

2. According to the article, your main focus is the cafe. I love a good sweet treat just like everyone else but some of these menu items make me nauseous. For example (and there's plenty to choose from), the Fluffer Butter. "Pop-Tarts Frosted Chocolate Fudge sandwich (so two of those pastries that we looked at the ingredient list above) with fudge frosting, marshmallow cream and peanut butter." Holy calorie and sugar overdose Batman!

Or the Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sammys. "Pop-Tarts Frosted Chocolate Fudge with rocky road ice cream, Pop-Tarts Hot Fudge Sundae with hot fudge sundae ice cream OR Pop-Tarts Frosted Cookies and Creame with cookies and cream ice cream." I think I just went into a sugar coma typing that.

Some creations just confuse me; Ants on a Log-celery (huh? Something healthy on the menu?), peanut butter topped with chunks of Pop-Tarts Frosted Wild Grape. Um, ew?! So the healthier choice is gross sounding? Awesome.

Some creations take traditional desserts that have few ingredients and aren't that bad for you and Pop-Tart them up into a Frankenstein dessert. For example, Peach Blueberry Cobbler. The description is "Fresh peaches and blueberries stirred with Pop-Tarts Frosted Blueberry Muffin and Pop-Tarts Frosted Blueberry served warm in old fashioned cobbler dough."
Ok, so Pop-Tarts (which are made of dough) inside more dough? They should call it Death of a Low Carb Diet.

There is also an option for you to build your own Pop-Tart creation where you can add onto a Pop-Tart things like coconut, drizzles of caramel and raspberry, Jimmies and sprinkles.
I could go on and on about the menu items but I will leave some for you to discover on your own!

3. The prices are a little expensive. Chocolate with Pop-Tarts Frosted Chocolate Fudge and Pop-Tarts Frosted S'mores for 4.29?? Most of the menu items hover in the 4 dollar range and I have to say a lot of these creations you can easily make at home. My husband heard about the Pop-Tart sushi and for a joke he made them and took them to work (A picture below!).

4. Perhaps they should have saved on all the rent they will have to pay for the store (apparently somewhere around 1,000 dollars per square foot) and made a "cookbook" and done a tv special and called it a day. It would have saved them money and still probably made them tons of money. Some of which perhaps they could have donated to feed the hungry?

Here's a link to Pop-Tarts website so you can peruse all the glorious starchy sugary goodness.

What do you think about the Pop-Tarts menu?

My husband's version of Pop-Tart sushi!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ouchy Crananas!

Oh. my.

I have come across a video from Amazing Race, the Emmy Award winning CBS reality show and felt the need to share. This is another video that my husband found.

This is the type of video that at first your jaw drops in horror and sympathy....aaaand then, the second time you watch the video, you kinda giggle. I know I'm a little bit terrible for thinking it's sort of funny (It's the very ugly head of schadenfreude. Which I believe no one can quite escape! Seriously! How many America's Funniest Home Videos did you laugh at or are still laughing about?!) but then I remind myself I'm not as bad as her partner. Because had I been there, I know I would have been caring and attentive. I would not have acted like her partner. can just watch the video to see for yourself!

Ouch (on a couple levels)! Did you see that watermelon?! It completely disintegrated! You know that had to hurt! I give props to that contestant for being able to handle that!! I think upon further reflection, it's not so much about that singular instance of her getting hit, it's how the whole thing transpired. The comments made before and after....that's what makes me chuckle. The absurdity of it all!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Crananas for Inception!

Inception was an awesome movie and if you haven't seen it, you should!! If you have no idea what it's about (you must be living under a rock!), then you can take a peek at the trailer. It's a powerful jam-packed couple of minutes that will get you pumped to see the full movie. Below, I have posted the original trailer.

Because of the impact the trailer has had, there are some spoofs that have come about. My husband and his co-workers found this spoof (I have included below) and they all think it's pretty funny. I think I like watching my husband watch it more than watching the actual trailer.

If you haven't seen the *real* trailer for Inception, check a little bit of it out first before watching the other video. And as with all trailers, it will show parts of the movie, so if you don't like spoilers and haven't seen the movie yet, you might want to skip looking at what's below. But if you are the kind of person who likes to see a trailer before you see the actual movie, go ahead and feast your eyes on the trailers!

Real trailer:

Super cool and creative remake of the trailer:

What's your favorite part?

Personally, I think it gets more hilarious each time you watch it!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Did you ever wish you could ride off into the sunset on a Unicorn? Now you can!

A big thanks to my friend Ronnie for this awesome find!

If you've ever dreamed about riding a Unicorn, your fantasy can now be a reality. Well, sort of. Somebody was really thinking when they invented this decorative add-on to your regular bicycle. That somebody won the 2010 Seoul Cycle Design Competition for their kid-friendly bike bling.

It comes to you in a kit that you can easily add onto any bike. Eungi Kim, the winner and creator of this potentially very popular and marketable invention, says, "I wanted to give a special look to bicycles so that people would care about cycling not only as transportation but also as a lovely pet."

Uh. Oh. You lost me a little bit there, Eungi. I think it's a great way to trick out your bike but my bike doesn't have a heart beat. Even if I add wooden animals shapes to it. Still a bike, buddy. How's about you just stick to the idea that it's a great way to spruce up anyone's ride, at any age. Go with that. Please. You could really have something here, you could expand this to other types of animals. This could be the new weird animal shaped bracelet fad that all the kids clamor to get. Think about that!

For pictures and more check out this cool website.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Brunch the way we like it!

My husband and I consider ourselves brunch aficionados -if we go out to eat, our meal of choice is always brunch. We try to visit as many different brunch places as possible and we always try to pick out something new and/or interesting to order. We also celebrate brunch at home, like true brunch fans.

Breakfast and brunch for dinner anyone? Which I guess would technically be called brinner? Brunner? In any case, we love experimenting in the kitchen, making french toast, frittatas, omelets, waffles, pancakes etc etc! If we could, I'm sure we would eat breakfast all the time. But that's probably not the healthiest, sanest approach to meals though. And then it wouldn't be so special. The novelty might wear off.

The point I'm trying to make is that we know brunch and we were so happy to discover another fantastic *Trader Joe's product! I know you all have tried and fell in love with TJ's Pumpkin Bread, so now get ready to fall all over again for their new Pumpkin Pancake and Waffle Mix!!

This mix makes the best pancakes! Light and fluffy and ohhh, that tasty pumpkin flavor-not a fake pumpkin taste (I actually saw small bits of shredded pumpkin!) and not super strong. Like Goldilocks would say if she tried these instead of lumpy porridge, it was juuuuuust right!

You could easily eat these bad boys without any syrup or butter! For a super sweet treat, I bet adding mini chocolate chips would hit the spot (then definitely don't add the syrup)! We've made them with chopped pecans (also from Trader Joe's) and mini chocolate chips. Then we promptly fell into a food and sugar coma. Which is perfect for a Sunday afternoon!

Now hurry and get your box before I beat you to the store and stock pile them all!

*As with a lot of TJ's products, there are no artificial flavors or preservatives.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It drives me crananas and I can't help myself!

This is not the typical blog entry that I want to be writing. But every once and a while a pet peeve just pops up in your daily life and you want to rant to someone.

Well, guess what? It's your lucky day! I'm going to rant to you!

I have a pet peeve that drives me crananas! Which I guess saying that is sort of redundant but that's how crananas I get!

It's about sidewalks, people. Please for the love of all that is good and orderly, learn to walk on them properly! I'm talking about sidewalk etiquette.

Let me break it down for you:

It's really quite simple. You walk on sidewalks the same way you drive. And this is coming from someone who doesn't drive because I'm too nervous to do it in city traffic. So if I know this, you should too!

We walk on the right hand side and if you are a party of more than two, it is polite to break apart i.e. MOVE when there are other people walking towards you and can't get around you. I cannot stand when groups of three or more people just casually take up the whole sidewalk and don't feel the need to move to the side for just a second to let you pass. No, no, it's ok! I, being one singular person, will walk into the grass or street just so your large rude group can keep walking a straight across Sex and the City linked line. I mean really!?

I don't expect every single person to be aware 24/7 while talking and walking on the street, but one person in your group, probably one that is not chatting away, should have the ability to just tuck behind the group for a second to make a little room for a passerby. It. is. polite. Have we forgotten how to be polite?

Now, I'm not talking about when a person is coming up from behind you, that's not your fault. You don't have eyes in the back of your head. Or a rear view mirror. I'm talking about when you can see the person coming towards your group. I had an end person of a sidewalk stampede literally knock into me with their shoulder when passing me, and that's after I had moved into the grass! Sidewalk insanity I tell you! Would you just clip a car as you drove by because you didn't feel like moving onto your side of the road? No, I think not!

Please, please be kind on the sidewalks. Let's always treat each other with respect. Let's notice and acknowledge each other! Or at the very least, stay on the right side of the sidewalk! :0)

Do you all have any pet peeves regarding sidewalks?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Zombie classes? Where they teach be a zombie?

No, no, no! In this class, you study zombies! I think learning to be a zombie is the follow up course. Hmmm, or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part, being a former theatre major and all. :0)

But seriously, how excited would you be if you got to take a class about zombies!? Apparently the University of Baltimore is offering this class to their students. They get to watch zombie movies, read zombie comics and for their final exam they can write a script about zombies or do a zombie storyboard!! I'm sure that there is actual hard work being done too but with a topic this fun, it would be difficult to skip this class. This is a prime example of learning = fun!

Don't be bummed if you don't live in Baltimore because this is not the first time zombies have been studied on a college campus. Chicago's own Columbia College has offered a course on the undead in popular media for years. So there's hope if you want to learn more about zombies. Call your local college today!

However, I'd be more interested in a vampire class. I think this theme is much more timely and popular and the topic also has a long history in film and other media. I know that class list would fill up faster than a Vamp could suck your blood!

Ah, Ah, AHHH!!!
(She laughs in her very best Dracula impersonation. Well, I guess it sounds more like the Count from Sesame Street. Ah, well.)

Here's the full AP story.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Crananas artist award!

It's time for my Crananas Artist Award!

I stumbled across this amazingly innovative artist thanks to the Today Show. Ivan Lovatt creates stunning artwork out of chicken wire! I believe his artwork would still be incredible if he was using clay to sculpt, however he's using a much more ornery medium. So, to me, that makes it even more impressive.

Lovatt's website reveals that he "is drawn towards creating work that is accessible, recognizable and meaningful to the public. Ivan’s personality is represented in his sculpture. His work is honest, often quirky and amusing, yet demonstrates compassion for his subject, and above all has great integrity." From what I've learned about Lovatt, I completely agree.

I wish I could go back to Australia (where Lovatt lives) and marvel at his work in person! But alas, a trip like that isn't in the cards right now for me and if it isn't in your cards either, never fear! You can check out some of his work on his website!

I think my favorites are The Beatles, President Lincoln and Little Joe the monkey!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Going Crananas for Going Green books!

I'm a big fan of the Green lifestyle and I go crananas for Green books! I love all the tips, facts and plans that they layout. But some of these type of books can be rather dull or they make suggestions that aren't really easy for the Average Jane to implement. Or they scare the begeebers out of you with their "The Sky is Falling" mentality! Don't worry! I have sifted through the dusty library shelves and I've found two books that are informative, easy to comprehend and (GASP!) enjoyable to read! I haven't found any other books that have tackled the subject in quite this way!

Here they are:

Green Chic: Saving the Earth in Style. Author: Christine Matheson.

This book shows that being Green and being stylish can go hand in hand. Matheson teaches us that you can be Green without drastically changing your lifestyle. You mean I don't have to live in a tent and milk my own cows and buy sheets that feel like I'm laying between two pieces of cardboard? And don't even get me started on recycled toilet paper! I want to be a good little Green girl but I also don't want to miss out on some of the finer things in life!

Thank goodness for Christine Matheson and her creative book idea! She's the answer to our conflicted feelings!

Matheson writes in a very fun conversational way but still has lots of facts and information to back up what she's saying. She knows her Green stuff and chic stuff, and she shares it in an interesting and easy way. She doesn't write her book to scare you, no "The Earth is going to implode if you don't do your part" stuff. Matheson just wants to show you how to combine being chic and caring about yourself and your planet. Just read the intro to this book and if you aren't hooked, then I'll be a monkey's Uncle!

Shift Your Habit. Author: Elizabeth Rogers.

This is another book that wants to help you, not scare you. Shift Your Habit focuses on combining your efforts to be Green and your efforts to save money. I cannot tell you how happy this idea makes me!! Very often, Green books don't take into account that some of us are not rich and until grocery stores and other companies/stores start to give us a break on the price, we can't always live a completely Green lifestyle because we simply can't afford it!

Rogers gives us fantastic tips on how to live Green on the cheap and breaks it all down so it's easy to understand and implement into our lives. The best way to give you a taste of what this book has to offer is to supply an example of how the book is laid out.

In her section dedicated to children, this is one shift suggested for babies:

The Shift: Make your own baby food instead of buying it in jars at the supermarket.

Save $: Up to $1,500 a year.

Save the Planet: Conserve resources bu forgoing the purchase of individually packaged single serving jars of food for your child.

Good for You: Choose the ingredients you know your child loves. Whip up a batch of baby food with local, organic fruits and veggies, or pick them fresh and ripe from your garden.

Shift it Tip: To freeze homemade baby food, pour puree into ice cube trays and freeze. Once they are frozen, place cubes in a sealed and labeled container in the freezer. When it's meal time, just take one or two cubes and thaw and serve.

Some of the suggestions in Shift Your Habit are not "quick fixes", so occasionally you will have devote some time to this Green method. But if money is your concern, this book is for you! If time and level of difficulty is your concern, you might be better with Green Chic. Or if you are like me and your are right in the middle and both are important aspects when considering your Green lifestyle, get both books! If you get these two books, you are covered on all things Green!

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