Sunday, February 28, 2010

SunChips bags 100% Compostable!

Have you seen the commercials? Have you come across the new 100% compostable SunChips in your grocery store yet? If you haven't, don't worry, it's coming to you soon!

I am a big big supporter of all things Green and I try to live as Green of a lifestyle as I am able and I'm so excited to hear that big companies, like SunChips, are starting to take action too!

They have introduced a bag made from plants so it's completely compostable! Every 10 ½ oz. SunChips package is designed to fully break down in just 14 weeks when placed in a hot, active compost bin or pile.

They created a video, which I have posted below, to demonstrate how the bag decomposes. They actually created a chamber for composting the bag, then to be able to record it, replaced one of the walls with a glass window to see inside. Once that was in place, they set up a camera to snap pictures every 15 minutes for 14 weeks. Of course, it's more complicated than that, so if you want the full rundown, feel free to check out their website! They explain everything in great detail there.

I also read on their website that they use solar energy instead of fossil fuels to run their SunChip plant in Modesto, CA. And hope to continue with the rest of their plants.

Love. It. All of it! Thank you SunChips for thinking about us and our planet! Not to mention, giving us a tasty snack, that's at least better for you then most potato chips! :0)

Let's hope that other companies and individuals follow suit!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

School Spying on Student Through Laptop?

This was also included as a note with the video. "CBS News has learned the FBI is investigating the school district in Pennsylvania accused of cyber-spying. The district gave laptop computers to 2,300 students and admitted to accessing some through webcams. Michelle Miller reports."

Oh boy. It really makes me sad that we now have to think about possibilities like this. What an upsetting thing for everyone who is innocently involved. Of course the complete outcome is yet to be determined, but the evidence is pretty damning against someone at the school.

If you want to read a nicely detailed article online check out Computerworld's website. They have an article just posted today, so it has current information.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Valentine's Day Poop Heart

We can all send a big thank you to the AP for this gem of a story. I don't know if I could have lived my days without knowing about this crappy heartfelt gift that was given this past Valentine's Day. And no, I'm not talking about Valentine's Day the movie, I'm talking about some guy in Albert Lea, Minnesota that gave his wife of 37 years a giant heart made out of manure for Valentine's Day.

All I have to say is that after 37 years, if my husband gives me anything literally made out of crap, I would venture to guess he would be sleeping on the couch for a couple of nights. I'm all for being creative and I truly believe it's the thought that counts, but if you give poo as a gift, how much does that really count for? I mean it's poop. In case you haven't read the book, everybody does it. It doesn't take much thought to throw together some poo and pass it off as a gift (I can't even believe I just typed that as a sentence).

I think most women would prefer a homemade card out of paper. Or maybe a homemade dinner by candlelight. Or maybe little love notes hidden through out our belongings. Please, please take note men. Poop does not equal a good gift for most women.

Now yes, this man is a farmer and I'm sure it did take some work to round up the poop and make a heart shape out of it and an argument could be made that he loved her so much he was willing to wade through poop. And to be fair, his wife said it was the biggest and most original Valentine she's ever received. She counters to the naysayers, "Why not do something fun with what you got?"

Another news flash for ya guys. There are other ways to tell us you care, that work with what you got. Back to the drawing board if you come up with poop. He could have arranged a bunch of chicken eggs in a heart or used them to spell out I love you. He could have painted corn husks and laid them out to make a heart. Or he could have decorated his horse for Valentine's Day and took her on a romantic horseback ride to their barn where they had a picnic. Because in the end, I still have to come back to, what does it mean to give me a poop heart?! Is it, "Your love makes my heart feel like it's filled with shit!?"

Um. No thanks.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Jammie Jeans!

Lazy people everywhere, rejoice! Now you can have the comfort of sweatpants while looking like you are wearing jeans! Supposedly, these pants look just like jeans, with no zippers or buttons mind you, and of course they have the fancy "Italian designer-like brass rivets and back pocket design!"

Pajama Jeans' slogan? "Pajamas you live in, jeans you sleep in." I think I'm just going to let you marinate on that one for a minute.

While you are thinking about that, let's take a moment and ponder why they didn't do something more clever with the name. How about instead of Pajama Jeans, you called them Jammie Jeans or even just the Perfect PJ's (hello, that's Pajama Jeans shorten! Would have been cuter!).

Now let's chat a moment about the actual product. Sweatpants dressed up as jeans. If I'm telling the truth, I have to say I'm intrigued. I do like the idea of being comfy and still looking decent and not like I just woke up. But there are some people who don't give two toots about what other people think and are perfectly fine with walking around in sweats all day. More power to you, I say! Whether you care about what you wear or not, I think these pants might find a home in some people's drawers. I see it working out for college students, especially those that go to schools that are starting up dress codes. This product would surely fool professors, who probably don't care that much in the first place about what you're wearing. These "jeans" are probably also great for travel, whether by air or car.

Where they really missed their market is with pregnant women. I think this could be a major score with that part of the general public. I know I'd probably buy a pair if I had a bun in the oven. Heck, if they weren't 40 bucks, I'd probably buy a pair now just to see if the product's any good.

Bottom line: I have had pretty comfortable jeans made out of stretchy material before, so is this really that new? Or is it just trying to be the next snuggie by taking a product that already exists (It's a bathrobe! Argh!) and trying to market it in a cranana worthy way? If you are curious and perhaps even considering buying these pants, check out their website.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

South Korean Sausage Fingers!

South Koreans' are using sausages for fingers!

Did that sentence confuse you? When I read about this zany cranana worthy development, I was confused and intrigued too.

It all starts with a problem you might be familiar with yourself. Are you an iPod or iPhone user? Then you might know that in the winter time you can't use your mitten and glove clad fingers to navigate your fancy shiny iSomething or other. They need human touch to work and if you live anywhere cold, you probably hate having to take off your gloves every time you need to make a phone call while out and about. Is it the biggest problem facing the world? No way. Is it something that you could put up and shut up about? Probably. Is it something that drives you crananas even though you know it's really not that big of a deal? You bet. And I'm sure you'd be interested in hearing about a solution right?

Someone, somewhere in Korea had come to their wits end about this problem too. This certain clever person had the random thought to try a sausage. How does that come to pass? We might never know. But what we do know is that the meat-tastic solution worked!

The meaty substitute (made by CJ Corporation) for our fingers works as an iPhone stylus because the snacks are packaged with electrostatically charged plastic, which fools the phone into thinking it's a human digit. Apparently, this is good news for everyone, including CJ Corporation, which has reportedly seen an increase in sales in their convenience store sausage by 39%.

From what I can deduce, that particular brand of sausage isn't available here in the US. So who's going to be the special someone that finds Americans our meat stylus? Curious and want to read a bit more? Check out Huffington Post!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Blog about Blago!

Oh Rod Blagojevich. Rod, Rod, Rod. When will you stop giving comedians and bloggers such great material? Isn't it bad enough you've got a scandal, federal charges, a bad hair do, and a denied attempt to be on "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here?" You are a goofball to top all goofballs and you keep making it worse! Celebrity Apprentice? Seriously? Man, you must be crananas, plain and simple.

How do you think you will be a viable contestant on a show about essentially being a good boss? Innocent until proven guilty, I know I know, but getting impeached just doesn't look good on the resume. Even if it's a resume for Celebrity Apprentice!

Will I watch you on the premiere of Apprentice, which I have never watched before? Hmm. Maybe. Will I actually enjoy it? Maybe not. Will it be crananas? Certainly. I've come to expect nothing less.

Organic Pop Tarts! And yes, you read that correctly!

Organic pop tarts people! Ok, so I call them pop tarts and I know that's not the real name, it's a brand name. Fine fine...Organic toaster pastries people!

*Sigh* It just doesn't have the same effect. But I digress. Onto what really matters!

I have had these tasty wonders a few times now and I think I'm long over due to spread the word! The atypical breakfast treat comes from a fantastic Earth friendly company called, Nature's Path. They are a company who's vision is "to be a trusted name for quality organic foods in every home; socially responsible, environmentally sustainable and financially viable". You might also recognize their other brands, Envirokidz Organic and Optimum.

Now back to the sweet treats! Nature's Path have all the normal flavors when it comes to toaster pastries like blueberry, apple cinnamon, brown sugar and maple, raspberry, chocolate, strawberry, all with the options of frosting or no frosting. They also have a couple of options that some might call intriguing for the pop- ugh, I mean toaster pastry world. Try out cherry chocolate, cherry pomegranate, and wild berry acai!

The toaster pastries have no trans fat, are made of whole grains and organic ingredients and are vegetarian. When comparing Nature's Path blueberry to Pop Tarts' blueberry, Nature's has less fat, less sodium, and more protein than Pop Tarts. Plus Pop Tarts have a lot of ingredients, and I use that word loosely, that I can't pronounce and don't really believe need to be consumed by people.

Yes, these organic dopplegangers to Pop Tarts still have a big serving of calories (210 per pastry) but at least now you don't have to kick yourself in the pants every time you break down and pop one into the toaster. If I recognize every ingredient listed on the box, I feel like I'm in decent shape. Sometimes you just want a breakfast pastry dang it!

Check out their website and find out where to stock up on your own organic toaster pastries and other organic delights (I find mine at Trader Joe's)! Now if they would only make a crananas flavor, then I'd be all set! :0)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Real Crananas.

Have you heard of Real Simple? Because if you haven't, you are missing out on a fantastic compilation of articles that will make your life easier. And I'm not just saying that because it's their slogan. It's true!

My friend Becky introduced me to the mag marvel this past summer and then this Christmas my mother gave me a subscription, without even knowing about my new fascination with the magazine. Coincidence or fate? I think fate my friends! This is a magazine everyone is meant to have! Get on board will ya?!

Real Simple is crananas in the best way possible. I exclaim my delight with every turn of a page. I feel like I'm getting answers to questions I forgot to ask! Need your modern day etiquette questions answered? No problem! Do you want to know a 15 minute glute workout? Done and done. Do you wish someone would road test different types of umbrella-ella ella's for you? They did it! Looking for a way to spice up boring old chicken cutlets? They've got 10 quick recipes to dress up your sad little naked cutlets! What about ways to spend smarter? For instance, if you are trying to figure out which store has the best deal on your toothpaste, they've got you covered. Need your credit limit explained to you in layman's terms? Real Simple's on the job! Want to learn about the latest products to help you live better? Well, geez! Buy the magazine already!

That's a lot of information right? And that's just a small sample of what they have to offer. I can't even begin to describe all the fabulous and useful advice that's squeezed into this monthly publication. They truly have an illuminating smattering of everything you could want! Recipes, makeup reviews, fashion, feature stories, decorating advice, money matters and health advice. If you don't want a magazine like this to help save you time and money, I think you're crananas!

Did I pique your interest? Check their website out for more information!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Nestle Crunch Crananas!

Ok, I have to give a big thank you to Caitlyn for passing this one my way!

If you trust me, and you should, call this number for Nestle Crunch and do as I say. It's more fun to discover it this way and then you actually might believe it for yourself.

Call 1-800-295-0051.

Don't press anything and don't say anything. Just wait patiently through the options. You will hear, "Press one for English, two for Spanish." Don't feel the pressure to hit a button. Just wait. You will be rewarded!

Go. Do it now. I'll wait here.

You don't trust me? Ahhh, that's too bad because it's quite silly and will most certainly brighten your day! It actually made me laugh out loud! You can call back several times and choose different options to entertain yourself and your kiddos for as long as your fingers can punch in the numbers on your phone.

Check out this YouTube video if you are too nervous to just call the number first.

Ok, seriously this is your last chance to just call the number on your own!

I started watching this and couldn't believe what I was hearing, so I called the number for myself and lo and behold, it's just like the YouTube video! Hilarious and definitely crananas! I don't know if it's just to put a smile on our faces, or if it's the most brilliant and goofy marketing plan of all time. Was this video posted by an employee? Or by a random someone who paused a moment too long on the phone and discovered this secret surprise? Does it really matter? Not to me it doesn't. It made me giggle and who doesn't like to do that?


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Crananas for Mario Brothers!

Calling all moms of little boys and wives of video gaming husbands! I stumbled upon a fabulous and cranana worthy sweater that any video game loving male would get a kick out of wearing.

The creator of this kitchy and fun Mario Brothers sweater made it for her husband and is kind enough to make it available to all of us! Now you can show your support to your Nintendo loving family by downloading the pattern the Happy Seamstress offers on her website. Check it out!

While I was visiting her website, I came across another creative Nintendo inspired craft. This one is also cranana worthy!

It's a coffee table that's also a giant WORKING Nintendo remote! I know!! I posted one picture here but check out his website for the how to information and to take a look at more pictures!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is this horny goat angry about?

Why did the goat bust through the strip club's window? No this isn't the beginning of a dirty joke, it's a legitimate question people are asking after reading the article below. Perhaps it was because he was a little, shall we say horny? (Ooh, bad joke! But I couldn't help myself!) Or was it because he was outraged that a strip club was opening up in his neck of the woods? We may never know.

But what we do know is that he managed to break into the strip club, relatively unharmed after a few hours of persistently throwing himself against the glass. To read the full story and see the actual footage check this out: Goat Gone Wild. The news article itself is pretty entertaining!


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