Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Breakout! - starring Houdini Dog

You've seen The Breakup, you've seen Break the News to Mother... oh, wait, you haven't? Me neither. It doesn't matter because now it's time for the The Breakout! - starring Houdini Dog.

Houdini Dog was a good puppy, a normal puppy, but he wasn't ready for the run of the house. When his owners would go out, he'd get locked in the kitchen. This was all well and good while he was a puppy, but as all puppies do, he grew up and was no longer satisified with just the kitchen. Houdini Dog had had enough and he created an escape plan.

Every time his owners would leave, he would escape and greet them at the door. They tried everything to keep him secure in the kitchen but he wouldn't have it. Nobody puts Houdini Dog in a corner!

Suspecting amazing ninja skills, the owners set up a hidden camera to catch their furry fiend in the act. Here is what they discovered.


Vegetarians get no TV love!

Dear Food Network,

I love watching you. There. I said it. Non-foodies or stuck up foodies can call me lame but I love watching most everything you give us. I especially love the food competition shows along with the other special interest and unique programs you have. (Rock on Dinner Impossible!) But I also like tuning in for your actual cooking shows. But there's a problem, my dear well intentioned Food Network.

You have tons of cooking programs and not one of them, NOT ONE, is a vegetarian and/or vegan cooking show! Did I hear a surprised gasp as you read my shocking news? Have you hung your head in shame? I believe you have some serious thinking to do Food Network.

It's completely crananas that there's not a go-to show for vegetarians and vegans. I have to assume that you just didn't realize you've ignored a vital branch of the Foodie family tree. Otherwise, you've broken my fruit and veggie lovin' heart.

Let me take this opportunity to explain to you why you should have a meat free show!

Vegetarians are usually on the look out for recipes and things they can eat, perhaps with more vigor then some meat eaters. Why? Because it's harder to find things to eat when dining out so we tend to cook for ourselves more often than others.

Also, when flipping through regular cookbooks, there's only a handful of recipes for us to pick from. Instead, we buy vegetarian and vegan cookbooks galore, and are always on the hunt for the next yummy vegetarian friendly meal! We are a market to be had, Food Network!! Who would be more likely to tune in to an actual cooking show? Meaty Matt who can eat whatever he pleases, wherever he pleases, who can easily just boil two hot dogs instead of tuning in to discover a quick lunch time meal option? He's already got plenty of options at his finger tips! Or, would it be Tammy Tofu, the frustrated vegetarian, who struggles to find creative and different lunch options to bring to work each day?

These days being a vegetarian and/or vegan is much more common, so it seems like you really should step up to the dinner plate and deliver, in 30 minutes or less, a fab show for us meat free folk. Yes, you give us the lovely Ellie Krieger and her Healthy Appetite, but she still cooks with meat a lot of the time and frankly, sometimes a vegetarian wants some buttery goodness or something with lots of sugar in it! We like getting our comfort food on too!

If you really want to fix this snafu, it's as simple as making a salad! Please give all of your devoted meat free fans a cooking show we can happily watch and DVR to our hearts' content! If you have trouble coming up with a host, my mother and I would be happy to step in! At my own accord as a 4 year old, I decided to become a vegetarian and my mom, ever the super mom, starting cooking me vegetarian meals and she is now a seasoned pro and an actual food writer!

But of course, the most important thing is that you please serve up a vegetarian show! I will be waiting with my tummy rumbling and with pen and recipe cards at the ready.

Yours truly,


Friday, January 22, 2010

Top That!

If you haven't seen this song and dance number from Teen Witch (God bless you, 1989) then you are missing out! Never fear, Teen Witch virgins! My friend Caitlyn shined the light on this little gem for me and I think it's my duty to pay it forward.

All you need to know about the movie is this: The blonde girl recently found out she's a witch and starts to use her powers in all the ways a teenage girl in high school probably would at first, and then lessons are learned about the value of not cheating your way through life.

Now watch this cranana worthy clip from the movie!

Ahh, the 80's! Weren't they something? Not sure what's more crananas, the wardrobe, the dancing or the awesome rapping. I know 80's movies can be hokey and dated from time to time but this is bad even for the 80's! There are other movies that came out in 1989 that have held up much better - Field of Dreams, Say Anything, When Harry Met Sally, just to name a few. What are your thoughts?

Intrigued? Here are some interesting tidbits about this flick to perhaps, entice you to watch the whole movie:

-The movie received two Young Artist Award nominations in 1990; best actor in a motion picture and best actress in a motion picture. Best Actor nominee, Joshua John Miller seemingly a bit out of place, with the likes of Joaquin Pheonix, Sean Astin, Kirk Cameron, and Fred and Ben Savage.

-Check out 30 Rock's homage below. They know comedic gold when they see it!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sleep Talkin' Man

"Don't leave the duck there. It's totally irresponsible. Put it on the swing, it'll have much more fun."

"I can't control the kittens. Too many whiskers! Too many whiskers!"

"Oompa loompas don't sing in heaven. They tidy up the clouds."

"I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows."

"Robots making sweets? But they've got no taste buds! Metal smarties."

Complete and utter nonsense? Perhaps! But it's also a successful and popular blog called, Sleep Talkin' Man blog! And maybe it makes complete sense to the sleep talking husband while he's dreaming. We shouldn't judge. But what we should do is check out all the cranana worthy things he says on almost a nightly basis! His wife is the mastermind behind taking his midnight sweet nothings and putting them out into the blogosphere for all of us to enjoy!

Thanks to both of them!

Word of warning: There are some curse words peppered throughout the blog, so it's not really suitable for children!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Flying Chihuahua!

This crananas comes courtesy of my Mammaw. She sent me a small magazine article in the mail yesterday, and the best way I can convey this to you is by simply relaying it word for word.

Good Things Come From Above

A Chihuahua named Tinker Bell went missing for two days after a 70-mph wind picked her up at a flea market and blew her away. Her owners, Lavern an Dorothy Utley of Rochester, Mich., both 72, were devastated. A local radio station called a pet psychic named Lorrie, who advised the Utleys to search a wooded area on higher ground nearly a mile away. "I told them to keep looking up," said Lorrie. Sure enough, volunteers found Tinker Bell on the hill, muddy but safe.

Now, to me, this is a double crananas. Not only does this dog get swept away by a wind gust, but she is then found by a pet psychic! Two things I would never expect in any news story!

But wait! There's more! It's the world's first triple crananas! While doing some more research, I came across a couple of other blogs that posted the story along with a picture of little Tinker Bell. To my surprise, all of the online stories have one picture of her, but this photo from my Mammaw's article is a totally different dog! It seems like they just chose a picture of any old chihuahua and stuck it with the article! What the what?!

This story has also made me think twice about taking my chihuahua out for walks on windy days without some sort of weight strapped onto his back. Not only will it prevent him from blowing away, it will also give him a good workout! Bonus!

You can check out one of the articles I found at the LA Times Blog.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jersey Shore!

The MTV show Jersey Shore. Need I say more?

If you don't know what I am talking about, you must not watch TV. At all. The "cast" of the show has been popping up all tan and teased on every TV channel lately. I stumbled upon Jersey Shore first on The Soup. Intrigued, I thought if it's ever on and I'm bored, I'll watch it.

Well as luck (or the TV Gods) would have it, such a scenario presented itself. I flipped and flipped through the channels and eventually settled on Jersey Shore. The first episode I ever witnessed? The Snooki Smackdown episode. I know. I know! It was like a train wreck. I couldn't look away yet I knew I shouldn't really be looking at all. That about sums up this show in a nutshell.

What are your thoughts on the show?

Haven't had the opportunity to witness this crananas in action? Check out my clips below! This is from when a couple of the cast members showed up on Conan. If that isn't enough, you can check them out on the Rachael Ray Show on Thursday on CBS on the 21st.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Can Cats Perform Civic Duties?

Can cats perform civic duties? Well apparently in Boston they can. Check this story out! 100% crananas!

I mean really!? Denied? So they want a cat in the jury box? Better hope the cat doesn't mistake it for a litter box. Because I think even a cat can smell the stink in this summons.

Mac and Cheese Cookbook

Ok, so I love cookbooks. I collect them. I can't help myself. I'm drawn in by the colorful drool worthy photos and then seduced into buying them once I start paging through their creative recipes.

Which leads me into today's "That's Crananas!"

While home for the holidays, my brother's girlfriend and I stumbled across one of my mom's cookbooks. Let me first say, my mom is the one who passed down the cookbook obsessed gene to me. She used to be a food writer and has always been a fabulous cook, so do not be all judgy judgy because she has this book.

What we found was this: A cookbook devoted entirely to mac and cheese. Yes, that's right. A whole cookbook! Curious, I went online and found out that there are at least 7 other books that are completely and utterly devoted to the cheesy noodle dish. That alone is crananas to me. A good crananas or a bad crananas? That has yet to be determined. Some of the recipes seem potentially yummy. And I do love mac and cheese. But could a cookbook filled with mac and cheese recipes be dangerous to the waist line? You bet. The authors certainly are creative, you have to give them that!

Here are some cranana worthy recipes I found in "More, Please! Macaroni and Cheese: 111 Fun and Delicious Dishes to Keep You and Your Family Smiling."

1. Grilled Mac and Cheese Sandwich. Yup. Exactly what it sounds like. Carbs between carbs. Oh and did I mention that you are supposed to put bacon on this sandwich too?

2. Still can't get enough carbs? Try the Mac and Cheese Stuffed Baked Potatoes recipe. Which also calls for bacon. I can hear buttons popping off shirts and pants all around the world with this recipe.

3. Here's one that I think I might try, just because it's too crananas not to. Mac and Cheese Pizza. You use the mac and cheese for the crust!

4. Asked to bring an appetizer to a party? Try Deviled Eggs with Mac and Cheese. Or How about Salami Macaroni Canapes? Or how about Mac and Cheese Pot Stickers?

5. Still have room for dessert after all the main course cheesy goodness? Try Mac and Cheese Jam Tarts. Or perhaps the Macaroni Apple Crisp?

I have to say that while I tease, I'm also intrigued. I've already made their Mac and Cheese Stuffed Peppers and they were actually yummy!

If you are interested, here's the book on Amazon.

Think about the possibilities if you were the proud owner of this book! You could have a mac and cheese party! You could make three dishes from the book and have all your guests bring a dish with mac and cheese that they find on their own. But make sure to tell your guests to come in pants with elastic waistbands!

Do you have any recipes or cookbooks that would qualify as crananas? Let me know! You can post your finds on this blog or on my Crananas Facebook page!


Monday, January 11, 2010

I love my dog, but... seriously?!

Don't dogs have fur? Yes they do.

Have you ever seen a wolf or a coyote running around with a leopard print coat? No, you haven't.

So tell me, why is it that every time I walk into a drugstore do I see the Snuggie for dogs looking back at me? Dogs don't need a bathrobe to lounge around the house.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Snuggie designed to give us the use of our hands so we wouldn't be "trapped inside" a blanket? So what exactly does my dog need to grab when he is under a blanket? He's not reaching for the remote. He doesn't answer my phone. He sure as heck isn't reading any books!

While I'm on the subject of the Snuggie, it's just a backward bathrobe, people! We don't need them, so dogs certainly don't need them! The idea of a Snuggie for dogs is crananas!


*Disclaimer - Yes, I have a small dog, and yes, he does occasionally wear sweaters (which he loves and has no trouble getting into). In his defense (and mine), he has no belly hair. However, no person in my house wears a Snuggie, so neither will my dog.

That's Crananas!

My first blog! Now that's crananas!

Why should today's slang be determined by the likes of Jersey Shore and Paris Hilton? Why can't a regular girl rule pop culture for a while? I want to be that girl. I make up words and sayings all the time. Just ask my husband. If I had a dime for every eye roll at one of my sayings, I'd be rich, but that's not what I'm after.

My goal is to hear my favorite word on one of my favorite TV shows - The Office, 30 Rock, or Modern Family. Why? Because it would be cool! Want to know how you can help? Please become a fan of "Crananas" and let all you friends know about it, too. Find ways to use it in your daily life, and before you know it, you'll be hearing it everywhere! (or at least that's the goal!) Thanks for your help! Spread the word - and the word is Crananas!

Feel free to suggest things that you think are crananas right here, or on the Crananas Facebook page.

Stay tuned to hear about all the things that I see, do, hear about, etc. that are too crazy and bananas to be just crazy or bananas! (That makes me giggle :0) )


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