Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mac and Cheese Cookbook

Ok, so I love cookbooks. I collect them. I can't help myself. I'm drawn in by the colorful drool worthy photos and then seduced into buying them once I start paging through their creative recipes.

Which leads me into today's "That's Crananas!"

While home for the holidays, my brother's girlfriend and I stumbled across one of my mom's cookbooks. Let me first say, my mom is the one who passed down the cookbook obsessed gene to me. She used to be a food writer and has always been a fabulous cook, so do not be all judgy judgy because she has this book.

What we found was this: A cookbook devoted entirely to mac and cheese. Yes, that's right. A whole cookbook! Curious, I went online and found out that there are at least 7 other books that are completely and utterly devoted to the cheesy noodle dish. That alone is crananas to me. A good crananas or a bad crananas? That has yet to be determined. Some of the recipes seem potentially yummy. And I do love mac and cheese. But could a cookbook filled with mac and cheese recipes be dangerous to the waist line? You bet. The authors certainly are creative, you have to give them that!

Here are some cranana worthy recipes I found in "More, Please! Macaroni and Cheese: 111 Fun and Delicious Dishes to Keep You and Your Family Smiling."

1. Grilled Mac and Cheese Sandwich. Yup. Exactly what it sounds like. Carbs between carbs. Oh and did I mention that you are supposed to put bacon on this sandwich too?

2. Still can't get enough carbs? Try the Mac and Cheese Stuffed Baked Potatoes recipe. Which also calls for bacon. I can hear buttons popping off shirts and pants all around the world with this recipe.

3. Here's one that I think I might try, just because it's too crananas not to. Mac and Cheese Pizza. You use the mac and cheese for the crust!

4. Asked to bring an appetizer to a party? Try Deviled Eggs with Mac and Cheese. Or How about Salami Macaroni Canapes? Or how about Mac and Cheese Pot Stickers?

5. Still have room for dessert after all the main course cheesy goodness? Try Mac and Cheese Jam Tarts. Or perhaps the Macaroni Apple Crisp?

I have to say that while I tease, I'm also intrigued. I've already made their Mac and Cheese Stuffed Peppers and they were actually yummy!

If you are interested, here's the book on Amazon.

Think about the possibilities if you were the proud owner of this book! You could have a mac and cheese party! You could make three dishes from the book and have all your guests bring a dish with mac and cheese that they find on their own. But make sure to tell your guests to come in pants with elastic waistbands!

Do you have any recipes or cookbooks that would qualify as crananas? Let me know! You can post your finds on this blog or on my Crananas Facebook page!


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