Saturday, June 26, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance (as good as these guys)?

If you're not watching So You Think You Can Dance, you are missing out. It's truly the best the dance show on television right now. It's inspirational, beautiful, and creative. Just take a look at this act they featured and you will know what I mean!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

An AWESOME deal for!!

I love coupon sites, money saving blogs, and anything else that can help me penny pinch! I'm lucky enough to know a newspaper writer who is all about saving money and you can check out Tinfoil Tiara's blog here. She recently discovered another awesome money saving website for the Chicago area (where I live) called Mash up Mom. Check out that website here (this links to the special deal I'm talking about today).

I literally just came across this website and this deal, so unfortunately it expires tonight but it's such an amazing deal I had to pass it on regardless!

First of all, is a great money saving website (not just for the Chicago area!) where you can buy a 25 dollar gift certificate for 10 dollars to use at a variety of restaurants. There are rules and restrictions, so read the fine print, but overall it's a fantastic site. With the special code that Mash up Mom gives us, we can buy the 25 dollar gift certificate for only two bucks!!! Say what now?! TWO dollars!? You would be crananas to pass this up! I bought two gift certificates for myself and my husband and might buy more. While the gift certificates are a fantastic gift to give others, don't feel bad about using them for yourself. I didn't! You could save some serious cash on a night out with your family or your sweetie!

Check out Mash up Mom's website for the coupon code! Mash up Mom's website is based in the Chicago area but she lists lots of great nationwide deals too! If you live in Ohio, check out Tinfoil Tiara's website for area specific information as well as nationwide info! Our bank account is officially saved by the likes of these Wonder Women of coupons!

Happy saving everyone!! :0)

Friday, June 18, 2010

TLC: Home of the cranana worthy reality shows?

Oh, TLC. What have you done this time? First you brought us the likes of Toddlers and Tiaras (I don't even have enough blog space to go into how crananas that show is!), then you introduced us to the families with mind boggling amounts of children (Yes, that's you Duggar Family. You have 19 children!!! I love children dearly and want my own, but 19? Yowza!) and everyone's favorite, I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant (where reenactments make you giggle instead of sympathize).

So I really should not have been surprised to find out about your new show, Extreme Poodles. From what I can deduce, the show is about groomers who do up their poodles in all sorts of jaw dropping ways. And I'm not sure if it's a laughable bad idea or just a really bad idea. Are the dogs nervous? Are they having things glued to them? Is the dye bad for their fur and their health? My brother has a poodle and poodles are extremely cute! No need for literal bells and whistles! Sure, a silly shirt or a holiday hat or costume is fun if it's only once and a while. But are these competitions only once and a while or are these pups always acting as their groomers' living canvas? These are questions I need answered! I just don't know what to make of it! Will I watch? Hmmm, I don't know.

What are your thoughts on TLC's newest show?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Brush your teeth with yogurt containers! Say whaaat?

I love going to Target. I never know what new little treasure I am going to find. Ahh, superstores! On a recent trip to Target, I came across a super cool, dare I say cranana worthy, toothbrush!

Preserve, a Green company, is producing toothbrushes made from recycled yogurt cups! I know! So smart, right? Let me give you the details and then you can run to your local Target and buy them for your whole household. Trust me, after you learn some information on this toothbrush, you will never want to use a regular toothbrush again!

The toothbrushes are made in the USA and the handle is 100% recycled material from yogurt cups and other #5 plastics. The toothbrush is BPA free and it is dentist designed. Which means it has a curved handle (which after I have used for about a week now, I can see how much that makes a different!) and tiered bristles for gentle and thorough cleaning. Don't worry, the bristles are new! We should be able to be Green and still be Clean!

Another marvelous feature to this toothbrush? It comes in a no postage necessary envelope (the company calls it the first ever mail-back pack) that you use to send your toothbrush back when you're finished, so get this, it can be recycled again!! This is the sort of business we need to support! I have been using the toothbrush for about a week now and I like it a lot! I've saved the packaging it came in and when it's time I will send off this toothbrush and buy a new one. Well, new to me! If we don't do our part and buy these products, they will just disappear. This is an easy way to help our environment and it will make you feel proud of yourself. Did you know that Preserve Plastics uses:
  • At least 54% less water than virgin polypropylene
  • At least 64% less greenhouse gases (in CO2 equivalents) than virgin polypropylene
  • At least 75% less oil than virgin polypropylene
  • At least 48% less coal than virgin polypropylene
  • At least 77% less natural gas than virgin polypropylene
  • At least 46% less electricity than virgin polypropylene
(This information was provided on their website)

I don't think this toothbrush was that expensive either. I believe it was somewhere around the $2.99 range.

They have such a great website, please take the time to check it out! They've got info about their company, ways to recycle and products for you to buy. Click here.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

World's largest dodgeball game! Watch out weaklings!

In what I can assume was an effort to boost interest in their new phone, Samsung sponsored a giant Guinness Book World record-breaking dodgeball game. The winning prize was of course, their new phone, the Samsung Reality. I'm sure there was a presentation of the new phone and other marketing was probably in place, but I don't think I'd mind it. Why? Because they did something creative and entertaining for us, instead of just doing a commercial (Yes, I realize they probably will have a commercial for the phone but you get what I'm saying, right?).

Doesn't a giant game of dodgeball sound fun and at the same time a bit scary?! 6oo balls flying through the air in all directions, with the sole purpose of slamming into you! I know I would have been there, knee and elbow pads in place, ready to kick some dodgeball behind! But alas, this took place in New York. At least we can live vicariously through this video! Check it out!

I know the rules of dodgeball aren't terribly difficult but I still feel really bad for the referees that had to work that game! How can you keep order in the midst of such chaos? Somehow, they prevailed! Way to go refs!

Monday, June 7, 2010


This video is for my Dad, brother and husband who all played the drums. And of course, for all of you to enjoy as well! Get ready to rock people!

Thanks to Kyla for finding this video!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Aunt Lola and her Tupperware!

I recently experienced my first Tupperware party. I think I got lucky in terms of parties. This party had, drum roll please, Aunt Lola! She's not your average Aunt selling Tupperware let me tell you. She sings, makes you laugh and wears head to toe leopard print. Aunt Lola is sassy and clever and halfway through I found myself wanting Tupperware. A job well done Aunt Lola! I ended up buying FridgeSmart Containers and I'm anxiously awaiting the delivery!

If you want more info on Aunt Lola's Tupperware adventures, check out her website! Aunt Lola also does shows that aren't all about the wonders of plastic containers. Check out a more comprehensive website here.

Thanks to Allison for hosting this fun party and of course for introducing me to this awesome Aunty! (Lola's pictured below in all her fabulous glory! )

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Move over, Kung Fu Panda...

That's right. Check this out.

A bear in a Japanese zoo is training right now to break out, crash the premiere of the new Karate Kid movie, and challenge Jaden Smith to an all out kung-fu brawl.

Take a look at the video below and leave a comment with your bet on who will win.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Elvis in politics?!

Elvis is getting into politics! Ok, so it's not the real Elvis. The "real" Elvis is too busy sneaking around the country making surprise appearances at bars, sidewalk cafes, and public restrooms (Just Google Elvis sightings. That might be a blog for another time!).

According to the AP, this "Elvis" is just an impersonator in St. Paul, Minnesota. Elvis, otherwise known in this case as Todd Anderson, has filed for the position of lieutenant governor along side Ole Savior, an apparent perennial office seeker. Elvis and Ole Savior. Huh. That's quite a ballot duo. I'm still having a hard time believing that Ole Savior is a real name but I guess it must be because Minnesota forbids improper names for their ballot. You have to use a name on the ballot that is commonly and generally known in the community.

But there's no law stopping tons of publicity photos and plugging of one's endeavors. Anderson has a website and on it he mentions some reasons for running.

They are as follows:
  1. To bring some excitement and energy to Minnesota politics!
  2. I like Ole Savior's innovative ideas and I want other Minnesotans to hear what he has to say.
  3. Let's be honest, even if I'm not elected the publicity may help my career as an entertainer. Plus, I will have more fun running for Lt. Governor than any of my opponents.
Interesting, right?

Hmmm, what's next for us in politics? "Marilyn Monroe" running for Governor? "Big Bird" for President? Let's hope we are smarter than that, right? But, Jerry Springer and that wrestler guy did end up in government. Uh oh.

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