Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Are you ready for some pumpkins??!?!

Not only is Fall fantastic because it's football season, it's also pumpkin season!

Whether you like pumpkins for decorating or eating, pumpkins are baaaackkk!

I stumbled across a fun website that's perfect for this time of year! I think this artist might also be up for a Crananas Artist Award! What's the big deal about some award you've never heard of? You should be so lucky to be in the running for this award. It's very prestigious after all. I made it up and you get nothing for winning. Who doesn't want to qualify to win that?!


A pumpkin carving artist, Scott Cummins, has gallery after gallery of his clever and awe-inspiring pumpkin creations on display for you to explore at your leisure. I really enjoyed looking at all of Scott's fine work but there was something else on his website that made me giggle even more than his pumpkin carvings. What might be even better than his super cool and imaginative pumpkin carvings you ask? The way he answers his FAQ. Hilarious. If I were you I would check out his website for that alone. :0)

Scott also has a pumpkin carving tutorial for you on his website and be sure to check out his pumpkin fact page. Lots of interesting and new facts to soak up!

Hopefully Scott's designs will help inspire you to creative your own pumpkin masterpiece! Happy carving!!

Scott Cummins website.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Crananas for Halloween and the Fall!!

I just go crananas for this time of year! Don't you?

The weather is perfect-sunny and crisp!

The leaves are changing colors making our surroundings look even more beautiful than normal.

Fall is when some of the best holidays start approaching on the horizon. Starting off the holiday bonanza is my personal favorite, Halloween!!!

Halloween is SO fun and I want everyone to love it as much as I do. So here are some reasons why it's so great!!

Top 5 reasons I love Halloween!

1. You can let you imagine run wild! This is the holiday where anything goes. You can dream it up and then make it a reality. Well, a pretend reality. I don't think it's possible to dream up "real" zombies or giant 3 foot spiders. That would dampen the fun if it was actually possible. The point is to have fun exploring your creativity!

You can dress up your house or apartment however you please! There's no limit to the fun you can have decorating! Fake spiders, monsters and ghosts pop up all over the place! You can decorate your home in a fun sweet manor or you can go the scary gory Halloween route! I tend to lean towards the cute and kookie but this year I did buy awesome gel clings for the windows from Target. They are bloody hand prints with little drips of blood to put on your window!! So cool! :0)

I also really enjoy walking outside in my hood and seeing all the other people getting into the fun of the holiday with their sunken pirate ships in their front yards, the graveyard headstones, and the skeleton's waving hello to those who pass. The spiders and pumpkins and ghosties, oh my!

2. Getting to dress up! Who doesn't want to be someone else every now and again? With Halloween, you are free to be whoever or whatever you want to be! Costumes and costume parties are a great way to let loose and have a good time! It's the one time of year everyone can act silly and childlike and it's OK. In fact, it's encouraged! Costumes are also another way to stretch your creative muscles.

3. The food! I don't know about you but I love a good theme. Halloween allows us to take a theme and run with it and it's never considered tacky! I love looking at all of the Halloween magazines and pictures for cool new ideas for Halloween themed recipes. The Frankenstein cupcakes, the mummy cookies, the witches fingers, the list could go on and on! Check out all the different ideas out there! The possibilities are endless! Not to mention the yummy seasonal food and drink. The caramel apples, popcorn balls, hot apple cider, pumpkin bread, cake and pie. I don't know about you but now I'm hungry!

4. The candy!!! Duh. Do I really need to say anything else about this?

5. And finally, possibly the most important, family and friends and the time spent together. The camaraderie of Halloween. Everyone walking outside together going door to door, the different festivals and pumpkin patches visited as a family or with a group of friends. Going to a Haunted House with your buddies and screaming yourself hoarse together. The fact that we still open our doors to "strangers" and welcome them and give them free candy to show our appreciation. Seeing all of the kiddos giggling and running and laughing and enjoying their time together outside, as it gets dark. That's what Halloween is all about. Enjoying ourselves. Letting loose. Spending time with those we care about.

Now who wouldn't love that? I think even the crankiest witch and the most stubborn zombie would have to agree with me on that. :0)

Happy Fall and Happy Halloween! Hope it's spooktacular!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Another great website that made me go crananas!

I stumbled across the Spoon Sisters website a while ago while looking at Real Simple's website (This is my favorite magazine of all time! Check out my older post for the scoop on the magazine! You need to have this mag, people!!)

If you are ever in a pickle about deciding what kind of gift to give, turn to The Spoon Sisters website and all your problems will be solved. My brain went into information overload with all of their creative and unique ideas! My husband's birthday was a couple months away when I was surfing through the Sisters' site for the first time and I found the fun portion of his birthday present from me ( I usually give him a "practical" gift and then a fun gift.).

A little background:

My husband likes the game of Ping Pong and plays it with my Dad when we go to visit my parents and he's often mentioned wanting to play here at our home. The problem is that we don't really have the space for a real table.

Enter The Spoon Sisters!

I found a dining room table Ping Pong set on their website and I immediately knew that it was my fun gift! The shipping was fast, everything arrived in one piece and was packaged in a cute little tin and they even included a free handwritten note with the message I had asked them to include in the packaging! And best of all, my husband was completely surprised and excited about the gift!

The Spoon Sisters have a gift for every occasion you can imagine! Here are a couple of examples:

-Here's one for your guy friend. "Dress for Dinner Napkins" sure to give everyone a giggle or two!

-Here's one for the Pessimist in your life. Maybe drinking out of this "Half Full Glass" will help change their outlook on things!

-If you need a wallet and you like PB& J sandwiches, this "Yummy Pocket" is especially for you!

-For the Hostess with the mostess, The Spoon Sisters have tons of options! This item would be a great addition to a bottle of wine for the hostess! Or maybe you could give this or this!

-A couple of my favorite finds:

Ninjabread Men


Match and Munch

Travel Nail Polish Remover

Create Your Own Night Light

I could go on and on and on!

They also have lots of gifts for children of all ages! They also have lots of interesting and kitchy books for purchase too. You could easily spend all day on this website finding the perfect gifts for everyone, including yourself, at a reasonable price! Hopefully some of my examples have enticed you to take a look at the whole website!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sesame Street parody

Oh Sesame Street, you did it again!

More fun parodies from our favorite muppets! When don't these furry guys and gals deliver? The kids are learning and having a good time and the parents get a giggle. A win/win in my book!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pop-Tart's gone crananas!!!

A Pop-Tart store? Where they sell snacks made out of Pop-tarts?

No no no no noooooo!!

I know I should be kind about this because if anyone could make my cranana hybrid fruit a reality, it's probably the Pop-Tart peeps. But I just can't hold my tongue on this story.

I'm happy to give you a couple of highlights from the article I found on the New York Times website, however make sure you take the time to read the whole article there. But here are some things that stood out to me.

To be fair, let me start with some positive remarks. :0)

1. This new Pop-Tart store is taking up residence at Times Square in New York. Prime real estate which is impressive. They aren't the first company to rent out a store front to sell their goods; M&M's and Hersey both have stores around the Time Square area. So it's not that unusual.

2. I have to say, I bet it would be fun to sit down and try to figure out all the different ways you can sell a Pop-Tart. Sort of like a Top Chef Quick Fire Challenge. The Pop-Tart people are creative in their marketing as well as their food creations and they have some interesting ideas and products to sell, sell, sell!

3. The higher ups are sort of brilliant because of course people will get sucked into the store to see what it's about and some will buy things because they think it's hilarious and wrong and some will buy because they actually think it's tasty and awesome. I'm sure they've done a good job of making the store eye popping. We are a visual society and I'm sure the look of the store will draw people in.

4. It's true one Pop-Tart isn't going to kill you. And yes, I've eaten them. When I was a teenager. For a treat now and again.

Ok, now onto the not so positive remarks!

1. Hersey and M&M's are clearly candy items and aren't masquerading as a breakfast item. Yeah, Pop-Tart, I'm talking to you. We've all seen your commercials. You think you're breakfast. Newsflash: You are a cookie! With your ingredient list and preservatives, you are worse than some cookies! Take a look at Workout Mommy's blog, she breaks the Pop-Tart down for you. You can see just how naughty these "pastries" are! Or take a look at this link, it's from the Kellogg's website. This lists all the ingredients in the Frosted Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tarts. That's an awful lot of ingredients my friends. A lot of words don't sound like food to me. And don't get me started on the high fructose corn syrup!

Now, I will admit, you did say that you were serving desserts in your cafe, so at least you are being honest there.

2. According to the article, your main focus is the cafe. I love a good sweet treat just like everyone else but some of these menu items make me nauseous. For example (and there's plenty to choose from), the Fluffer Butter. "Pop-Tarts Frosted Chocolate Fudge sandwich (so two of those pastries that we looked at the ingredient list above) with fudge frosting, marshmallow cream and peanut butter." Holy calorie and sugar overdose Batman!

Or the Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sammys. "Pop-Tarts Frosted Chocolate Fudge with rocky road ice cream, Pop-Tarts Hot Fudge Sundae with hot fudge sundae ice cream OR Pop-Tarts Frosted Cookies and Creame with cookies and cream ice cream." I think I just went into a sugar coma typing that.

Some creations just confuse me; Ants on a Log-celery (huh? Something healthy on the menu?), peanut butter topped with chunks of Pop-Tarts Frosted Wild Grape. Um, ew?! So the healthier choice is gross sounding? Awesome.

Some creations take traditional desserts that have few ingredients and aren't that bad for you and Pop-Tart them up into a Frankenstein dessert. For example, Peach Blueberry Cobbler. The description is "Fresh peaches and blueberries stirred with Pop-Tarts Frosted Blueberry Muffin and Pop-Tarts Frosted Blueberry served warm in old fashioned cobbler dough."
Ok, so Pop-Tarts (which are made of dough) inside more dough? They should call it Death of a Low Carb Diet.

There is also an option for you to build your own Pop-Tart creation where you can add onto a Pop-Tart things like coconut, drizzles of caramel and raspberry, Jimmies and sprinkles.
I could go on and on about the menu items but I will leave some for you to discover on your own!

3. The prices are a little expensive. Chocolate with Pop-Tarts Frosted Chocolate Fudge and Pop-Tarts Frosted S'mores for 4.29?? Most of the menu items hover in the 4 dollar range and I have to say a lot of these creations you can easily make at home. My husband heard about the Pop-Tart sushi and for a joke he made them and took them to work (A picture below!).

4. Perhaps they should have saved on all the rent they will have to pay for the store (apparently somewhere around 1,000 dollars per square foot) and made a "cookbook" and done a tv special and called it a day. It would have saved them money and still probably made them tons of money. Some of which perhaps they could have donated to feed the hungry?

Here's a link to Pop-Tarts website so you can peruse all the glorious starchy sugary goodness.

What do you think about the Pop-Tarts menu?

My husband's version of Pop-Tart sushi!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ouchy Crananas!

Oh. my.

I have come across a video from Amazing Race, the Emmy Award winning CBS reality show and felt the need to share. This is another video that my husband found.

This is the type of video that at first your jaw drops in horror and sympathy....aaaand then, the second time you watch the video, you kinda giggle. I know I'm a little bit terrible for thinking it's sort of funny (It's the very ugly head of schadenfreude. Which I believe no one can quite escape! Seriously! How many America's Funniest Home Videos did you laugh at or are still laughing about?!) but then I remind myself I'm not as bad as her partner. Because had I been there, I know I would have been caring and attentive. I would not have acted like her partner. She...well....you can just watch the video to see for yourself!

Ouch (on a couple levels)! Did you see that watermelon?! It completely disintegrated! You know that had to hurt! I give props to that contestant for being able to handle that!! I think upon further reflection, it's not so much about that singular instance of her getting hit, it's how the whole thing transpired. The comments made before and after....that's what makes me chuckle. The absurdity of it all!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Crananas for Inception!

Inception was an awesome movie and if you haven't seen it, you should!! If you have no idea what it's about (you must be living under a rock!), then you can take a peek at the trailer. It's a powerful jam-packed couple of minutes that will get you pumped to see the full movie. Below, I have posted the original trailer.

Because of the impact the trailer has had, there are some spoofs that have come about. My husband and his co-workers found this spoof (I have included below) and they all think it's pretty funny. I think I like watching my husband watch it more than watching the actual trailer.

If you haven't seen the *real* trailer for Inception, check a little bit of it out first before watching the other video. And as with all trailers, it will show parts of the movie, so if you don't like spoilers and haven't seen the movie yet, you might want to skip looking at what's below. But if you are the kind of person who likes to see a trailer before you see the actual movie, go ahead and feast your eyes on the trailers!

Real trailer:

Super cool and creative remake of the trailer:

What's your favorite part?

Personally, I think it gets more hilarious each time you watch it!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Did you ever wish you could ride off into the sunset on a Unicorn? Now you can!

A big thanks to my friend Ronnie for this awesome find!

If you've ever dreamed about riding a Unicorn, your fantasy can now be a reality. Well, sort of. Somebody was really thinking when they invented this decorative add-on to your regular bicycle. That somebody won the 2010 Seoul Cycle Design Competition for their kid-friendly bike bling.

It comes to you in a kit that you can easily add onto any bike. Eungi Kim, the winner and creator of this potentially very popular and marketable invention, says, "I wanted to give a special look to bicycles so that people would care about cycling not only as transportation but also as a lovely pet."

Uh. Oh. You lost me a little bit there, Eungi. I think it's a great way to trick out your bike but my bike doesn't have a heart beat. Even if I add wooden animals shapes to it. Still a bike, buddy. How's about you just stick to the idea that it's a great way to spruce up anyone's ride, at any age. Go with that. Please. You could really have something here, you could expand this to other types of animals. This could be the new weird animal shaped bracelet fad that all the kids clamor to get. Think about that!

For pictures and more check out this cool website. Geekologie.com

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Brunch the way we like it!

My husband and I consider ourselves brunch aficionados -if we go out to eat, our meal of choice is always brunch. We try to visit as many different brunch places as possible and we always try to pick out something new and/or interesting to order. We also celebrate brunch at home, like true brunch fans.

Breakfast and brunch for dinner anyone? Which I guess would technically be called brinner? Brunner? In any case, we love experimenting in the kitchen, making french toast, frittatas, omelets, waffles, pancakes etc etc! If we could, I'm sure we would eat breakfast all the time. But that's probably not the healthiest, sanest approach to meals though. And then it wouldn't be so special. The novelty might wear off.

The point I'm trying to make is that we know brunch and we were so happy to discover another fantastic *Trader Joe's product! I know you all have tried and fell in love with TJ's Pumpkin Bread, so now get ready to fall all over again for their new Pumpkin Pancake and Waffle Mix!!

This mix makes the best pancakes! Light and fluffy and ohhh, that tasty pumpkin flavor-not a fake pumpkin taste (I actually saw small bits of shredded pumpkin!) and not super strong. Like Goldilocks would say if she tried these instead of lumpy porridge, it was juuuuuust right!

You could easily eat these bad boys without any syrup or butter! For a super sweet treat, I bet adding mini chocolate chips would hit the spot (then definitely don't add the syrup)! We've made them with chopped pecans (also from Trader Joe's) and mini chocolate chips. Then we promptly fell into a food and sugar coma. Which is perfect for a Sunday afternoon!

Now hurry and get your box before I beat you to the store and stock pile them all!

*As with a lot of TJ's products, there are no artificial flavors or preservatives.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It drives me crananas and I can't help myself!

This is not the typical blog entry that I want to be writing. But every once and a while a pet peeve just pops up in your daily life and you want to rant to someone.

Well, guess what? It's your lucky day! I'm going to rant to you!

I have a pet peeve that drives me crananas! Which I guess saying that is sort of redundant but that's how crananas I get!

It's about sidewalks, people. Please for the love of all that is good and orderly, learn to walk on them properly! I'm talking about sidewalk etiquette.

Let me break it down for you:

It's really quite simple. You walk on sidewalks the same way you drive. And this is coming from someone who doesn't drive because I'm too nervous to do it in city traffic. So if I know this, you should too!

We walk on the right hand side and if you are a party of more than two, it is polite to break apart i.e. MOVE when there are other people walking towards you and can't get around you. I cannot stand when groups of three or more people just casually take up the whole sidewalk and don't feel the need to move to the side for just a second to let you pass. No, no, it's ok! I, being one singular person, will walk into the grass or street just so your large rude group can keep walking a straight across Sex and the City linked line. I mean really!?

I don't expect every single person to be aware 24/7 while talking and walking on the street, but one person in your group, probably one that is not chatting away, should have the ability to just tuck behind the group for a second to make a little room for a passerby. It. is. polite. Have we forgotten how to be polite?

Now, I'm not talking about when a person is coming up from behind you, that's not your fault. You don't have eyes in the back of your head. Or a rear view mirror. I'm talking about when you can see the person coming towards your group. I had an end person of a sidewalk stampede literally knock into me with their shoulder when passing me, and that's after I had moved into the grass! Sidewalk insanity I tell you! Would you just clip a car as you drove by because you didn't feel like moving onto your side of the road? No, I think not!

Please, please be kind on the sidewalks. Let's always treat each other with respect. Let's notice and acknowledge each other! Or at the very least, stay on the right side of the sidewalk! :0)

Do you all have any pet peeves regarding sidewalks?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Zombie classes? Where they teach you.....to be a zombie?

No, no, no! In this class, you study zombies! I think learning to be a zombie is the follow up course. Hmmm, or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part, being a former theatre major and all. :0)

But seriously, how excited would you be if you got to take a class about zombies!? Apparently the University of Baltimore is offering this class to their students. They get to watch zombie movies, read zombie comics and for their final exam they can write a script about zombies or do a zombie storyboard!! I'm sure that there is actual hard work being done too but with a topic this fun, it would be difficult to skip this class. This is a prime example of learning = fun!

Don't be bummed if you don't live in Baltimore because this is not the first time zombies have been studied on a college campus. Chicago's own Columbia College has offered a course on the undead in popular media for years. So there's hope if you want to learn more about zombies. Call your local college today!

However, I'd be more interested in a vampire class. I think this theme is much more timely and popular and the topic also has a long history in film and other media. I know that class list would fill up faster than a Vamp could suck your blood!

Ah, Ah, AHHH!!!
(She laughs in her very best Dracula impersonation. Well, I guess it sounds more like the Count from Sesame Street. Ah, well.)

Here's the full AP story.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Crananas artist award!

It's time for my Crananas Artist Award!

I stumbled across this amazingly innovative artist thanks to the Today Show. Ivan Lovatt creates stunning artwork out of chicken wire! I believe his artwork would still be incredible if he was using clay to sculpt, however he's using a much more ornery medium. So, to me, that makes it even more impressive.

Lovatt's website reveals that he "is drawn towards creating work that is accessible, recognizable and meaningful to the public. Ivan’s personality is represented in his sculpture. His work is honest, often quirky and amusing, yet demonstrates compassion for his subject, and above all has great integrity." From what I've learned about Lovatt, I completely agree.

I wish I could go back to Australia (where Lovatt lives) and marvel at his work in person! But alas, a trip like that isn't in the cards right now for me and if it isn't in your cards either, never fear! You can check out some of his work on his website!

I think my favorites are The Beatles, President Lincoln and Little Joe the monkey!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Going Crananas for Going Green books!

I'm a big fan of the Green lifestyle and I go crananas for Green books! I love all the tips, facts and plans that they layout. But some of these type of books can be rather dull or they make suggestions that aren't really easy for the Average Jane to implement. Or they scare the begeebers out of you with their "The Sky is Falling" mentality! Don't worry! I have sifted through the dusty library shelves and I've found two books that are informative, easy to comprehend and (GASP!) enjoyable to read! I haven't found any other books that have tackled the subject in quite this way!

Here they are:

Green Chic: Saving the Earth in Style. Author: Christine Matheson.

This book shows that being Green and being stylish can go hand in hand. Matheson teaches us that you can be Green without drastically changing your lifestyle. You mean I don't have to live in a tent and milk my own cows and buy sheets that feel like I'm laying between two pieces of cardboard? And don't even get me started on recycled toilet paper! I want to be a good little Green girl but I also don't want to miss out on some of the finer things in life!

Thank goodness for Christine Matheson and her creative book idea! She's the answer to our conflicted feelings!

Matheson writes in a very fun conversational way but still has lots of facts and information to back up what she's saying. She knows her Green stuff and chic stuff, and she shares it in an interesting and easy way. She doesn't write her book to scare you, no "The Earth is going to implode if you don't do your part" stuff. Matheson just wants to show you how to combine being chic and caring about yourself and your planet. Just read the intro to this book and if you aren't hooked, then I'll be a monkey's Uncle!

Shift Your Habit. Author: Elizabeth Rogers.

This is another book that wants to help you, not scare you. Shift Your Habit focuses on combining your efforts to be Green and your efforts to save money. I cannot tell you how happy this idea makes me!! Very often, Green books don't take into account that some of us are not rich and until grocery stores and other companies/stores start to give us a break on the price, we can't always live a completely Green lifestyle because we simply can't afford it!

Rogers gives us fantastic tips on how to live Green on the cheap and breaks it all down so it's easy to understand and implement into our lives. The best way to give you a taste of what this book has to offer is to supply an example of how the book is laid out.

In her section dedicated to children, this is one shift suggested for babies:

The Shift: Make your own baby food instead of buying it in jars at the supermarket.

Save $: Up to $1,500 a year.

Save the Planet: Conserve resources bu forgoing the purchase of individually packaged single serving jars of food for your child.

Good for You: Choose the ingredients you know your child loves. Whip up a batch of baby food with local, organic fruits and veggies, or pick them fresh and ripe from your garden.

Shift it Tip: To freeze homemade baby food, pour puree into ice cube trays and freeze. Once they are frozen, place cubes in a sealed and labeled container in the freezer. When it's meal time, just take one or two cubes and thaw and serve.

Some of the suggestions in Shift Your Habit are not "quick fixes", so occasionally you will have devote some time to this Green method. But if money is your concern, this book is for you! If time and level of difficulty is your concern, you might be better with Green Chic. Or if you are like me and your are right in the middle and both are important aspects when considering your Green lifestyle, get both books! If you get these two books, you are covered on all things Green!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Beatlemania continues!

Beatlemania is alive and well!

John Lennon's toilet seat sold at an auction for 14,740 dollars, which is apparently 10 times as much as its estimate according to the article by Reuters.com. The auction was part of a Beatles festival in Liverpool and the toilet wasn't the only piece of Beatles memorabilia but certainly the most notable, I'd say!

Lennon had the porcelain potty removed from his home in Berkshire (where he lived from 1969 to 1971) and of course he replaced that toilet with a new one. According to the auction catalog, the builders who took the old toilet away were told to use it as a planter or something similar.

One of the builders, John Hancock, stored it in his shed for 40 years until he died and then the celebrity commode was sent to auction.

Can you imagine sitting on that for 40 years? No, no, not the toilet-gross! I mean knowing that you have John Lennon's toilet and knowing how famous The Beatles continued to be! Why did it just sit in a shed for 40 years? Was Mr. Hancock keeping quiet out of respect? Did he forget he had the famous porcelain throne? Or did he think that no one would want a used toilet, regardless of who owned it before? I'd have to believe that he thought no one would want it. I'm a big Beatles fan but I would in no way shape or form pay for that toilet or any other famously used toilet for that matter. Especially with a 14,740 price tag!

I wonder if you get all of the background information and all your questions answered, if you won the toilet? Just typing that makes me giggle. "Won" the toilet? Who would normally think of that as a prize? But I guess if you are a HUGE Beatles fan, you might think you've scored the mother load. Ohh, that was gross. But buying a used toilet is too! And how can you read a story about a toilet and not expect some toilet humor?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Stars-They're just like US!

I'm sure you have come across this cranana segment of US Weekly Magazine and hopefully you laugh your behind off like I do.

My husband doesn't like me buy those types of magazines because he says it's contributing to the paychecks of the Paparazzi and some of them tend to cross lines.

I agree with him and I don't buy the magazines but I do get my fix of STJLU at hair salons, nail salons and while waiting in line at the supermarket. That's not handing money over to the Paparazzi, so it's ok right? And some of the celebs use the Paparazzi to their advantage! Maybe it's all staged anyway!! Whatever...don't tell my husband in any case! :0)

The main reason I take a peek at US Weekly is because of "Stars-They're Just like US!" Not because I need to know what the stars are doing at every moment or because I believe they are beyond us- like some sort of super human robot alien being. Nope. I simply like to laugh at the silliness in that particular section (I also like to keep up on fashion and celebs have stylists who are on the pulse of what's fashionable and put the stars in it from head to toe!).

One of my friends recently gave me her copy of US Weekly and I got my giggle fix.

Stars-They're just like US.....

Their napkins fly away!

Seriously. That was the first one on the page. Their napkins fly away?! OMG. Could it be true? Celebrities aren't perfect? Napkins fly away...from them too? Napkins just don't want to stay in place because they are in the presence of a star? Get. Out.

Ok, ok. Maybe that was a bit mean. I get what the magazine is trying to do. I think. I believe they are trying to show us that celebrities are just like us and things happen to them because they are human too? And we shouldn't hero worship them? It really is ground breaking stuff here. Oops, still a little mean. :0)

While I stand united with my husband and I vow to never purchase one of these rag-mags, I won't ever stop peeking inside for that one little section full of giggles. It makes me hang my head in shame just a little. But maybe the magazine does it all in good fun too. Perhaps they don't take it seriously! That's what I am going to hold onto. Yup. Well, that and maybe the occasional People Magazine. What? I'm only human too! :0) Cut me some slack!

Bloggers-They're just like us......

They read only quality magazines like People, Real Simple, In Style and Entertainment Weekly!

PS I totally respect and admire what the people in "The Biz" do...my husband's in the industry too and that's why we are careful about what magazines we buy. These shenanigans don't really have anything to do with the stars themselves, they are just the accidental subjects.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Competition for Crananas: The Straw-mato!

Dear Crananas,

I've got some bad news for you. Your dream of becoming the first unique hybrid fruit has been dashed. Strawberry and Tomato got together and beat you to the punch.

Now, now, don't be too distraught. Let's spin this as a positive! Strawberry and Tomato have take the first step but they will have kinks. When it's your turn, the problems will be eradicated and you will be the superior hybrid fruit! I promise! Think about this: the whole thing was an accident! A mistake!! When you become a real hybrid fruit it will be done with purpose, care and preparation!

And besides, I heard that the Strawberry inside Tomato doesn't really taste like Strawberries. See what I mean? Kinks! Not to mention, their name needs work. Straw-mato? Please! Your name is so much better! Wear it proudly!

Hang in there, Crananas. We love you and are proud of you regardless! If you are feeling up to it, you can check out the whole article on the Straw-mato here. But don't look at it if it's going to hurt too much. You don't need that negative energy. Love and light, Crananas. Love and light.

Love you,
Mom :0)

PS Just keep telling yourself that you will be the best hybrid fruit that there ever was! Say it to yourself right now! Say it to yourself in the mirror! You will be the best!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Top News in your Newsfeed: Facebook doesn't like competition!

Facebook is suing another company over using the suffix "book" in their name. The Chicago company in question is, Teachbook, a yet-to-launch site for teachers. Teachbook is designed to allow teachers to share lesson plans and other resources. They currently have only two employees and few than 20 users.

Facebook is none too pleased about the competition from this small start up. As well they should be. Who knows what could happen to the multi-billion dollar company if (dun, dun, DUN!) TEACHBOOK were to arrive on the scene (note my sarcasm please)! I can just see all of the teenagers and young adults who use Facebook rushing to close out their FB account and sign up with Teachbook!

Facebook is going to take care of business and see to it that Teachbook is buried in a fresh grave without internet access.

Uh oh. I better warn checkbook, playbook, scrapbook, pocketbook and guidebook about this! Stat! I don't want those words to be in trouble with the big FB too!! I guess bookmark, bookcase and bookworm better watch out too. Time to lawyer up guys! Better safe than sorry I say! :0)

I wonder if Facebook wants their question, "What's on your mind?", to be answered by Teachbook. I don't think they'd like that update!

To see the full story, check out UPI.com!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A 10 day traffic jam?!? This is why I take public transportation!

Get ready to send your sympathy to the commuters in China. They are stuck in the never-ending traffic jam caused by road construction. This problem has been going on since August 14th! And we thought we had it bad in Chicago? Puh-leeze!

Bumper to bumper traffic for 60 miles and the poor souls trapped in their cars only moving roughly a half a mile a day!! Can you imagine? I shudder at the thought!

Apparently, it is improving but not enough to erradicate the problem. Some folks have been stuck on the road for five days. The victims of this automobile apocalypse are passing the time by walking around, sleeping or playing cards.

The local townspeople heard about this predicament and wanted to help out. At a price of course. Who isn't an entrepreneur these days? They came bearing boxed lunches, instant noodles, water and other necessities that the stranded needed. The townspeople decided to hike up the prices because, well, nothing else was around and that's the decent human thing to do, right? Make these poor stranded folk bleed money while they bake in their cars? With no other option but to pay your insane prices? According to a story on ABC Chicago, a bottle of water which normally costs 15 cents was $1.50 and the price of a instant noodle cup tripled!

Here's a couple of things that ran through my head when my husband told me about this story.

1. What if you don't have any money on you? How do you get water and food? Both necessities to surviving out in the sun!

2. What about when they have to go to the bathroom? You can't hold it for 5 days! Did they bring in port-a-potties?

3. What about the people with kiddos? How do you keep a child happy who's stranded outside for a week?

4. What do you do if you have a baby and you've ran out of diapers, milk, etc etc! Hopefully the townspeople were selling those type of things too.

5. How is everyone handling it? Are people going crazy? (It was said that no cases of road rage have been reported. Good for you all! I'm proud of you!!)

6. What about those people who need certain medications?

7. I know I've already mentioned this, but I can't help it. What do you do if you have to pee?! Or you know what?!?

I think I learned an important lesson from this news story. It's the lesson that the Boy Scouts always tell us. Be prepared!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A man who wants to be a dog. What? I mean really...what?!

While watching this video, my jaw dropped open and a look of dismay fluttered across my face and then decided to stay. I even gasped. I gasped, people!

This is crananas in its truest form! I will discuss it more after you witness it for yourselves.

Uh, yeah.

A couple of things:

1. I love dogs too, happen to own one and I think of him as part of the family, but I've never felt the need to dress as a dog as an adult. Except maybe on Halloween. All bets are off on Halloween. However, Halloween comes but once a year!

2. Yes, I have favorite childhood tv shows too, but you don't see me strutting around my neighborhood as a blue Smurf just because! I'd also never change my name to Smurffette. But that's just because there isn't a good nickname for Smurffette. :0)

3. I do feel bad for this guy because I'm sure he's been made fun for this, but at the same time, he could have said no to the interview. Oh yeah, and no to dressing up like a dog 24/7 too!

4. As an entertainer for children, former instructor and actor, I totally love when grown ups can be silly and have a good time pretending while entertaining kiddos. But I don't get the vibe that's what this is all about. Do you?

5. I give props to whoever made that costume though...it's pretty cool!

To me it seems like this is something a kid would do to be different or get attention. Very Max from Where the Wild Things Are. Maybe he just doesn't want to grow up. I can understand and sympathize and who am I to get all judgy on him? To each their own, I suppose!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Double Rainbow Excitement

I came to view this cranana worthy video thanks to Courtney. And what a video it is!

A man on a camping trip, from what I can tell, is surprised and delighted by a double rainbow. I don't think I could ever do the video justice by describing it, so feel free to check it out yourself!

Some wonder if it's an act, some wonder if a, ahem, substance had a helping hand in his reaction and some just like to watch it because it makes them happy.

What say you?

I love rainbows and communing with nature, but I don't know if I'd be this enthusiastic! Well, I guess if I could see the pots of gold at the end of both rainbows, it might be a different story!

Here are two clips from the Jimmy Kimmel show. Jimmy had the Rainbow Man himself come on and chat a bit about his love affair with the double R.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jimmy Fallon and Ladysmith Black Mambazo all sing for ice cream!

I just saw this last night on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and it's the perfect song for the perfect summer treat! Jimmy Fallon and Ladysmith Black Mambazo officially receive my Creative Cranana award!

If this song doesn't make you smile, then all I can figure is that you are allergic to ice cream or maybe fun. :0)

If you like what you heard, make sure to check out Ladysmith's website. They have an incredible story and equally incredible music! If you Google them, you will also find samples of their music.

Enjoy Ben and Jerry's by Jimmy Fallon and Ladysmith Black Mambazo!

Mmm, now don't you want some ice cream?!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hipster Puppies!

Have you heard of this cute and simultaneously hilarious website? Hipster Puppies is a site where you can look at pictures of adorable puppies doing and "saying" very hipster things! There is also a book coming out soon according to the website.

My chihuahua, with mad style, heard about this website from his cousin and he is super pumped to find his best photo and send it in to Hipster Puppies.

Check out their website and prepare yourself for a whole lot of cute and a whole lot of hipster sass!

Disclaimer: There are some swear words on this website, so might not be kid appropriate, if you kid can read that is!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

There's a bear in my car!

Can you imagine what it must be like to find out a bear has hijacked your car and drove it down a hill? All for the love of a PB & J sandwich? To me, it sounds like an episode of Yogi Bear and Boo boo on a hunt for the elusive pic-a-nic basket.

I know that deputies are trained to be ready to handle everything, but can you imagine the surprise they must have felt after shining their flashlights into the car and seeing a mighty cranky big black bear staring right back? Not exactly what you'd expect to find in a car in the middle of the night on someone's property!

CNN reported, "Somehow, the bear had either opened the unlocked back door or pushed a window down to get inside. Understandably agitated, it bumped into the horn repeatedly and eventually knocked the car's gear into neutral. The Toyota rolled down the hill. The door added to the bear's indignity by closing at some point during the ordeal."

After brainstorming on what the best option would be for everyone, including the Yogi Bear wannabe, the deputies decided to tie a really really long rope to the door handle and pull it open and let the bear escape the car. The bear was happy to be free, but annoyed about being trapped in a car for two hours, left a little present on the car seat for everyone. Not to mention, the bear left quite a bit of damage in his/her wake.

For the full story, check out CNN.com!

Here's a video with interviews and a couple of great snapshots of the shredded car.

My conclusion?

The trailer for the Yogi Bear movie just got a whole lot more believable!

Friday, July 23, 2010

My open letter to Mother Nature.

Dearest Mother Nature,

I'm writing because I fear you might be a bit hot under the collar. Our current weather is what brought this potential problem to my attention. We have finally picked up on some of the clues you've been dropping. For example, we've noticed that it's sort of hot here in Chicago. Like really hot. Today it feels like 104 degrees. 104 dear Mother. 104! We haven't had just one day like this, we've had a couple. The most days above 90 degrees since 2005.

I'm not sure what's got your blood boiling but I'd like to know how we can fix it for you and when you might be ready to cool down. Or at least soak up some of this humidity. We are practically swimming through the heavy air out there and while my arms could use the work out, I'd love to see a decrease in our muggy atmosphere.

I have a few suggestions that might help you in your time of need.

Maybe try Yoga? Deep breathing exercises might help you and us out. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Feel free to blow all over Chicago while you do your exercises. We don't mind the wind, we're used to it.

Maybe you are dehydrated and therefore a little cranky? Please fill up your cup of water and then let that cup overflow and rain down on us. We could use a little cold water to help keep the sizzle at bay.

Perhaps take a small vacation? To a nice cool place? It doesn't have to be really cold there, just below 80 would do you a world of good.

And most importantly, if you have a problem with something or someone, please address it rather than stewing and simmering in anger. This is not good for you or for us. We can feel your anger radiating everywhere. We're sorry if we did something to upset you. We are trying our best, and finally lots of people are on board with being Green. That's gotta count for something, right? A for effort? Ok, fine. B- for effort? We are trying to get the whole world on board but it takes a while.

Please think about what I said. We love you Mother Nature. Really we do. We love all you give us. The cool crisp Autumn days (we miss Autumn, please bring her back whenever you feel like it!), the beautiful rainbows, waterfalls, spring flowers, lush forests, the perfect warm, but not too crazy hot, days of summer. The list could go on and on!

We hope you take our apology and my suggestions seriously. Thanks for all you do!

The People of Earth.

PS - Sometime soon we do need to talk about what's happening in Milwaukee with all the flooding. And of course, we need to have a sit down about earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and some of your other areas that could, ahem, use some tweaking.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Drink beer to save the Gulf!

Wondering what you can do to help bring relief to the Gulf? Crack open a bottle of beer and chug-a-lug! Only if you are of legal drinking age of course (Duh.).

Abita Brewing Company has done something genius. On Friday, July 16th, they introduced Abita SOS-A Charitable Pilsner. The brewing company, in Abita Springs, LA, has said that they will donate 75 cents for every SOS bottle sold to a charitable fund (established by Abita) that will assist with the restoration of the environment and aiding the industries and individuals that are trying to survive the horrendous spill.

How will you recognize the bottles in your store or at the bars? Easy. Look for the Gulf Coast. Or rather iconic images of the Gulf. The bottles have hand drawn illustrations of pelicans, fish, shrimp, marsh grass and fishing boats which all form into the distress symbol: SOS.

Abita also has merchandise you can purchase online and a 100% of the proceeds go to the SOS fund. You can also give donations directly to the fund online.

I feel pretty confident in Abita's abilities because this isn't their first time at the rodeo. To help with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Abita introduced Restoration Pale Ale (along with other merchandise).

Abita ended up raising over a half a million dollars for Hurricane Katrina victims. That is amazing to me!

Let's do it again, shall we? Think about what you can do to help them raise the same amount one more time. Ask your favorite bartender if they plan on carrying the beer. Hunt for it at your local grocery store. If you can't find it, ask a store manager if they plan on carrying it. Give the beer as a host/hostess gift at a BBQ. Use it as a great excuse to get all drunkity drunk (if you are legal..do I have to say it again? Sadly, I probably do need to repeat it.). Or buy yourself a SOS Gulf T-shirt to help spread the word. Those are just a few ideas to get you started!

For more info, check out Abita's website. Please please take the time to help out, or at least start spreading the news!

Thanks to NBC 5 Chicago for sharing the story!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Cove. You need to watch it!

Have you watched The Cove yet?

If you haven't, you really should. It's important for everyone to watch, even if you don't consider yourself an animal lover (If you love one type of animal, for example your cat, your dog, you're an animal lover in my book!). This movie is sad and touching and yes in parts hard to watch, but it's also extremely inspiring. Makes me want to do my part. Which is why I'm spreading the word right here. I truly think it's crucial to take the time to watch this movie. Not to mention, it's just a well made, captivating documentary. A keep you on the edge of your seat movie! You seriously cannot believe some of the things that happen in this movie! It has also won award after award, most notably an Oscar for Best Documentary.

Now to be open and honest about where I am coming from, I have always been a huge animal lover. One of my favorites without question is the dolphin. They are such interesting creatures, brimming with intelligence, love and a quiet understanding. But like I said, even if you don't consider yourself an animal lover, this movie is still important. The movie is described really well on their Facebook page:

The Cove exposes not only the tragedy of dolphin slaughtering in Japan, but also the dangerously high levels of mercury in dolphin meat and seafood, the cruelty in capturing dolphins for entertainment, and the depletion of our ocean’s fisheries by worldwide seafood consumption. We also see how the mandate of the International Whaling Commission has been manipulated by the Japanese Fisheries Agency for its benefit and its subsequent effect on the rest of the world.

So it's not just about the dolphins. It's also about a cover up and how it's effecting our health and politics across the globe.

Please please take the time to at least watch the videos posted below. And fair warning, some of the images are not kid-friendly. This is not a movie (or preview) for children. I want to also say that I'm not implicating Sea World or any other similar place in this blog. That's not what I'm talking about or wanting to address. I am only saying that I don't agree with what's happening in the town in Japan where this is taking place.

If you are inspired and want to learn more or help out, check out The Cove on Facebook. Or check out their website or the movie website.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mmm, tasty but I think this book needs ketchup!

Ever read a good book and decide that it's just not doing it for you? Ever think about adding ketchup to see if that makes a difference? Yeah, me either. But apparently Joy Cassidy of Boise, Idaho has had that thought. Or a similar thought because this lady was pouring all sorts of condiments down into a library drop box. This condiment cuckoo has tried maple syrup (around breakfast time I can only assume), corn syrup, ketchup and mayonnaise.

Ok, someone has to ask the tough questions here. Why in world would you waste your time (and the condiments) to deface library books? What did Catcher in the Rye ever do to you? Or did you think Rye tastes so good with mustard and you just couldn't help yourself? Now to be fair, I've never tasted a book, so I have no idea if it needs ketchup or maple syrup. If only I could ask Ms. Cassidy! I'm not the only one that wants to hear what she has to say for herself. The court system has been anxiously awaiting her explanation and perhaps recipes.

According to the Chicago Tribune, there were warrants out for 74 year old Cassidy earlier this month because she failed to appear in court. Lucky for the cops, they won't have to follow a mayo trail because Cassidy decided to turn herself in.

My favorite bit from the article:

(This is after the article mentioned that Cassidy turned herself in on Monday.)

"That's after police say she poured mayonnaise in the library's book drop box that day — and was a person of interest in at least 10 other condiment-related incidents at the Ada Community Library in Boise since May 2009."

"Condiment-related incidents." Makes me laugh every time. I shouldn't be laughing though. We need to take our condiment crimes seriously. We have to think about the victims. Atleast now the library books can rest easy. No more fear of being drenched like a hamburger on July 4th. Whew!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The tea that changed my life. Ok, so that's a little dramatic but this tea is good!

I recently discovered the most amazing thing. Wait for it.....TEA! Yes, that's right, tea. Not the fountain of youth, the cure to any disease or anything of real importance but still a mighty fine discovery in my world.

I have never liked coffee and I didn't want to drink pop (soda, soda pop, Coke, fountain beverage-whatever you want to call it!) early in the morning and I didn't want to drink it on a regular basis. So what was I left with? Tea. I didn't like any of my previous encounters with tea. I was ready to just give up (especially when I found out that all the stores I frequent stopped carrying the Diet Coke with Splenda-the only kind of pop I'd let myself drink on occasion) when I was organizing one day and I found a magazine recipe that had an article on the back of it. The article talked about a study that discovered if you drank something you didn't like for 7 days straight, your chances of liking it improved by 70-something percent! I liked those odds and decided to give it a go!

Now my husband is an tea enthusiast, so we had plenty of choices but I went out and bought another kind-just to have options. Well my options stunk. I wasn't sure how I was going to make it the full 7 days. It just tasted flat and slightly woody and bland. I was in trouble. But thank goodness for my husband. We were out shopping and he wanted to stop at the mecca of all things tea, Teavana.

I was still skeptical when we walked in but after I started tasting their samples, I was a changed woman. The saleswoman probably thought I was certifiable because I pretty much went crananas over how good it all tasted. I couldn't believe this was tea! Full of flavor and thicker than the watery stuff I drank on the way there.

We've since bought three different Teavana tea blends and have loved them all. Everything is loose leaf and that's the way you want it trust me. It makes all the difference. Check out what Teavana has to say about that here.

I was so happy to find the answer to my caffeine prayers here. They have maté teas, which have as much caffeine as a cup of coffee! Take that coffee! And of course all of their teas, and tea in general, have health benefits too. Think antioxidants out the wazoo!

The tea that I got to help with my caffeine needs was their mix of White Ayurvedic Chai and Samurai Chai Maté. YUM. We also purchased Youthberry and Wild Orange Blossom tea and Strawberry Lemonade and Apple Lemon Pomegranate tea. Both delish but sans caffeine.

Check Teavana out on Facebook or take a look at their very informative website. You can buy tea from their stores or online! They also have a tea of the month club, a blog all about tea (check it out here), and even an iPhone app that can give you advice on blending teas! There's no excuse for you not to like tea anymore!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Will denim diapers make your baby cool?

A baby boy struts confidently into the playground in the newest coolest denim diaper. Jaws drop everywhere. Babies eyes are drawn to this fashion plate. The baby boy gives two girls on the swing set a wink. The girls begin whispering to each other.

"OMG. Check him out. He looks so cool. I love that diaper he's wearing."

"Yeah, he's so dreamy. He's totally gonna be the most popular baby on the playground. What should we do?"

"We need to go share his sandbox. Like yesterday."

I was so inspired by the Huggies Denim Diapers commercial that I thought I would work on a pitch for the next one. This is all I have so far, but my mind is reeling with possibilities. Because, whether I think it's a good idea or not, the commercial and the slogan are pretty creative and smart.

"The coolest you'll look pooping your pants." Come. On. That's hilarious! You have to give the marketing people some credit. They took a unnecessary and ridiculous product and made it work. It's like when you give a gag gift, you know no one is really needs the gift or takes it seriously but it's just too funny to pass up. It's all in the way you spin it.

That said, I wouldn't buy this diaper and I think it's slightly odd and wasteful to have a disposable diaper look "fancy" when you are just going to throw it away. I don't know if I could talk myself into spending more money for something like that. I could see maybe if it was a cloth diaper or another type of reusable diaper. It also doesn't make much sense to me because most people cover up the diapers with clothes and babies don't really care about what their clothes look like. I suppose a toddler might and that might be an argument for the fancy smancy diaper.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. This commercial give me the giggles and I appreciate that. They aren't taking themselves seriously and we shouldn't either!

If you haven't seen the commercial, never fear! I have posted it below!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance (as good as these guys)?

If you're not watching So You Think You Can Dance, you are missing out. It's truly the best the dance show on television right now. It's inspirational, beautiful, and creative. Just take a look at this act they featured and you will know what I mean!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

An AWESOME deal for Restaurant.com!!

I love coupon sites, money saving blogs, and anything else that can help me penny pinch! I'm lucky enough to know a newspaper writer who is all about saving money and you can check out Tinfoil Tiara's blog here. She recently discovered another awesome money saving website for the Chicago area (where I live) called Mash up Mom. Check out that website here (this links to the special deal I'm talking about today).

I literally just came across this website and this deal, so unfortunately it expires tonight but it's such an amazing deal I had to pass it on regardless!

First of all, Restaurant.com is a great money saving website (not just for the Chicago area!) where you can buy a 25 dollar gift certificate for 10 dollars to use at a variety of restaurants. There are rules and restrictions, so read the fine print, but overall it's a fantastic site. With the special code that Mash up Mom gives us, we can buy the 25 dollar gift certificate for only two bucks!!! Say what now?! TWO dollars!? You would be crananas to pass this up! I bought two gift certificates for myself and my husband and might buy more. While the gift certificates are a fantastic gift to give others, don't feel bad about using them for yourself. I didn't! You could save some serious cash on a night out with your family or your sweetie!

Check out Mash up Mom's website for the coupon code! Mash up Mom's website is based in the Chicago area but she lists lots of great nationwide deals too! If you live in Ohio, check out Tinfoil Tiara's website for area specific information as well as nationwide info! Our bank account is officially saved by the likes of these Wonder Women of coupons!

Happy saving everyone!! :0)

Friday, June 18, 2010

TLC: Home of the cranana worthy reality shows?

Oh, TLC. What have you done this time? First you brought us the likes of Toddlers and Tiaras (I don't even have enough blog space to go into how crananas that show is!), then you introduced us to the families with mind boggling amounts of children (Yes, that's you Duggar Family. You have 19 children!!! I love children dearly and want my own, but 19? Yowza!) and everyone's favorite, I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant (where reenactments make you giggle instead of sympathize).

So I really should not have been surprised to find out about your new show, Extreme Poodles. From what I can deduce, the show is about groomers who do up their poodles in all sorts of jaw dropping ways. And I'm not sure if it's a laughable bad idea or just a really bad idea. Are the dogs nervous? Are they having things glued to them? Is the dye bad for their fur and their health? My brother has a poodle and poodles are extremely cute! No need for literal bells and whistles! Sure, a silly shirt or a holiday hat or costume is fun if it's only once and a while. But are these competitions only once and a while or are these pups always acting as their groomers' living canvas? These are questions I need answered! I just don't know what to make of it! Will I watch? Hmmm, I don't know.

What are your thoughts on TLC's newest show?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Brush your teeth with yogurt containers! Say whaaat?

I love going to Target. I never know what new little treasure I am going to find. Ahh, superstores! On a recent trip to Target, I came across a super cool, dare I say cranana worthy, toothbrush!

Preserve, a Green company, is producing toothbrushes made from recycled yogurt cups! I know! So smart, right? Let me give you the details and then you can run to your local Target and buy them for your whole household. Trust me, after you learn some information on this toothbrush, you will never want to use a regular toothbrush again!

The toothbrushes are made in the USA and the handle is 100% recycled material from yogurt cups and other #5 plastics. The toothbrush is BPA free and it is dentist designed. Which means it has a curved handle (which after I have used for about a week now, I can see how much that makes a different!) and tiered bristles for gentle and thorough cleaning. Don't worry, the bristles are new! We should be able to be Green and still be Clean!

Another marvelous feature to this toothbrush? It comes in a no postage necessary envelope (the company calls it the first ever mail-back pack) that you use to send your toothbrush back when you're finished, so get this, it can be recycled again!! This is the sort of business we need to support! I have been using the toothbrush for about a week now and I like it a lot! I've saved the packaging it came in and when it's time I will send off this toothbrush and buy a new one. Well, new to me! If we don't do our part and buy these products, they will just disappear. This is an easy way to help our environment and it will make you feel proud of yourself. Did you know that Preserve Plastics uses:
  • At least 54% less water than virgin polypropylene
  • At least 64% less greenhouse gases (in CO2 equivalents) than virgin polypropylene
  • At least 75% less oil than virgin polypropylene
  • At least 48% less coal than virgin polypropylene
  • At least 77% less natural gas than virgin polypropylene
  • At least 46% less electricity than virgin polypropylene
(This information was provided on their website)

I don't think this toothbrush was that expensive either. I believe it was somewhere around the $2.99 range.

They have such a great website, please take the time to check it out! They've got info about their company, ways to recycle and products for you to buy. Click here.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

World's largest dodgeball game! Watch out weaklings!

In what I can assume was an effort to boost interest in their new phone, Samsung sponsored a giant Guinness Book World record-breaking dodgeball game. The winning prize was of course, their new phone, the Samsung Reality. I'm sure there was a presentation of the new phone and other marketing was probably in place, but I don't think I'd mind it. Why? Because they did something creative and entertaining for us, instead of just doing a commercial (Yes, I realize they probably will have a commercial for the phone but you get what I'm saying, right?).

Doesn't a giant game of dodgeball sound fun and at the same time a bit scary?! 6oo balls flying through the air in all directions, with the sole purpose of slamming into you! I know I would have been there, knee and elbow pads in place, ready to kick some dodgeball behind! But alas, this took place in New York. At least we can live vicariously through this video! Check it out!

I know the rules of dodgeball aren't terribly difficult but I still feel really bad for the referees that had to work that game! How can you keep order in the midst of such chaos? Somehow, they prevailed! Way to go refs!

Monday, June 7, 2010


This video is for my Dad, brother and husband who all played the drums. And of course, for all of you to enjoy as well! Get ready to rock people!

Thanks to Kyla for finding this video!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Aunt Lola and her Tupperware!

I recently experienced my first Tupperware party. I think I got lucky in terms of parties. This party had, drum roll please, Aunt Lola! She's not your average Aunt selling Tupperware let me tell you. She sings, makes you laugh and wears head to toe leopard print. Aunt Lola is sassy and clever and halfway through I found myself wanting Tupperware. A job well done Aunt Lola! I ended up buying FridgeSmart Containers and I'm anxiously awaiting the delivery!

If you want more info on Aunt Lola's Tupperware adventures, check out her website! Aunt Lola also does shows that aren't all about the wonders of plastic containers. Check out a more comprehensive website here.

Thanks to Allison for hosting this fun party and of course for introducing me to this awesome Aunty! (Lola's pictured below in all her fabulous glory! )

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Move over, Kung Fu Panda...

That's right. Check this out.

A bear in a Japanese zoo is training right now to break out, crash the premiere of the new Karate Kid movie, and challenge Jaden Smith to an all out kung-fu brawl.

Take a look at the video below and leave a comment with your bet on who will win.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Elvis in politics?!

Elvis is getting into politics! Ok, so it's not the real Elvis. The "real" Elvis is too busy sneaking around the country making surprise appearances at bars, sidewalk cafes, and public restrooms (Just Google Elvis sightings. That might be a blog for another time!).

According to the AP, this "Elvis" is just an impersonator in St. Paul, Minnesota. Elvis, otherwise known in this case as Todd Anderson, has filed for the position of lieutenant governor along side Ole Savior, an apparent perennial office seeker. Elvis and Ole Savior. Huh. That's quite a ballot duo. I'm still having a hard time believing that Ole Savior is a real name but I guess it must be because Minnesota forbids improper names for their ballot. You have to use a name on the ballot that is commonly and generally known in the community.

But there's no law stopping tons of publicity photos and plugging of one's endeavors. Anderson has a website and on it he mentions some reasons for running.

They are as follows:
  1. To bring some excitement and energy to Minnesota politics!
  2. I like Ole Savior's innovative ideas and I want other Minnesotans to hear what he has to say.
  3. Let's be honest, even if I'm not elected the publicity may help my career as an entertainer. Plus, I will have more fun running for Lt. Governor than any of my opponents.
Interesting, right?

Hmmm, what's next for us in politics? "Marilyn Monroe" running for Governor? "Big Bird" for President? Let's hope we are smarter than that, right? But, Jerry Springer and that wrestler guy did end up in government. Uh oh.

Monday, May 31, 2010

So cute it's driving me crananas!

Watch out, this might kill you from cuteness overdose! It makes me want to learn a lot more about sloths! (I think I've watched this at least 8 times now! :0) )

Meet the sloths from Amphibian Avenger on Vimeo.

Which was your favorite sloth?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Super clean kitty!

Get ready to make a sad face.

A kitten was accidently given a fast paced, tough and tumbly bath in a washing machine. A washing machine!! Before you wig out too much, let me just say the kitten survived and sounds like she will be just fine.

The Rogers family, who live in Sydney, Australia, are the happy and grateful pet owners of Kimba, the four month old kitten who survived a spin in the washing machine. The owners assume that Kimba must have climbed into the front loader machine when the door was open, and then the unknowing owner closed the door and turned on the machine for a cold wash and a high level spin!

"We could hardly believe our eyes when she emerged, looking like a drowned rat," he told Reuters.com.

Kimba was alive but of course still needed help, so they rushed her to the vet where she was treated for shock and hypothermia and her eyes were treated because they were affected by the detergent in the machine. Yikes!

That poor little kitty! Let this be a lesson to those of us with pets! They can be quiet, capable and also surprisingly durable. But let's not test that theory out too much. I think Kimba had some serious luck on her side. I tend to agree with her owner who says, "It is just amazing that she survived but we reckon she's used all of her nine lives."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Crananas for cheap pizza!

Have any of you discovered the amazingly cheap pizza at Aldi's?! Get your pizza lovin' self to an Aldi's as quick as you can because once this secret's out, I have a feeling it's going to be a lot more difficult to get your hands on one of their pies! The pizza is called Mama Cozzi's Pizza Kitchen Deli Pizza.

Here are some of the many positives of Mama Cozzi's creation:

1. Fresh and ready to bake. No freezer burn here! Also no artificial flavors or colors and no trans fat.

2. CHEAP. Seriously people, it's $5.99 at my Aldi.

3. It's HUGE. I think it could easily feed 6 people. This 16" monster is so big it doesn't even fit on our pizza stone. Yeah, see, I told you. HUGE.

4. You have the choice between cheese and pepperoni. Now, in the words of Emeril, here's where I kick it up a notch. I get a plain cheese pizza (which is actually not just one cheese but 4 cheeses) and then I add my own chopped up veggies to make it more filling and a bit more healthy. I know, I know, it's pizza. How healthy is it really? But I did said a bit didn't I? :0)

Which leads me into....

5. Taste factor. It's yummy! Now, living in Chicago, I can't say it's the best pizza in the city, because I know Chicago kicks butt in the pizza world and that would probably be blasphemy. I can say it's way better than chain pizzas and it's at a crananas price that chains really can't match when it comes to how little money you spend for how much you get! The crust is tasty, the sauce is just right, the cheeses are a great mix and you have the bonus of making it to your specific tastes.

If you've got a vegetarian and a meat eater at home (like we do), you can construct the pizza to each of your likings. If you are responsible for your own toppings, you're saving money because buying a small amount of produce isn't that expensive. Or if you want to be really money savvy, just use what leftover produce you already have in your fridge. If I haven't convinced you yet, take a look at my before and after pictures of my latest pizza! Everyone loves a good before and after picture reveal, right?

The Before: Plain, albeit tasty, cheese pizza.

The After: The jazzed up pizza of my dreams! Fresh spinach, pine nuts, red and orange peppers, broccoli, onions and garlic (I also added more fresh herbs and a bit more cheese to cover the tops of the veggies)!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beep Beep! Barbie car coming through!

"Sir, I'm going to need you to pull over your barbiemobile" says the Cop as he calmly walks along side the battery run barbie car going it's full 4 mph. The Cop writes the ticket as he walks along side the moving "vehicle".

Can you see it? My imagination started working over time when I heard that this was a true story! This. Actually. Happened. Well, ok I don't know exactly how pulling the car over went down, but I'm imagining it was something similar to what I wrote!

According to UPI.com, a 4o year old British man found a barbie car (made for 3 to 5 years old, mind you) and decided that it was a good project for his 17 year old son and him to work on together. The duo had worked on it for over a year ( I wish I could find pictures of this masterpiece!).

Apparently on the day of his arrest, Paul Hutton was working on the car and drinking a bit. Hutton decided to take his new beauty out for a joy ride. While motoring around, he got pulled over by the police.

"The police pulled up and asked if I was all right," Hutton said. "I'd had a few drinks but I felt fine. I hadn't spoken to anyone all day -- then I found out I couldn't talk. I was very surprised to get done for drink-driving, but I was a twit to say the least."

Well at least there's that, Hutton. You admitted you were crananas. Now it's time to ask the tough questions. What kind of power did this Barbie car hold over you? Were you always jealous of your sister's barbie car? Do you just like obscenely strange challenges? Was this going to be your 17 year old son's first car? And most importantly, was it all worth getting your license suspended for at least 3 years?

Because that's what happened. Hutton's driver's license was suspended and he's going to be forever known as the Barbiemobile twit. Personally, I think it's a little strange to want to work and drive a Barbie car as an adult without a little daughter, but I think maybe a 3 year suspension of his license is a bit much. I mean, we let 3 to 5 years old drive these things! How much damage can you really do with a plastic car that only reaches 4 mph? I can see maybe a year suspension but more than that? Court systems, rule makers and people of importance, if you're going to rule in favor of a license suspension that long for driving a kiddie car, then maybe you need to think about suspending driving licenses of bicyclists who bike drunk too. I think a bicycle can do at least the same amount of damage as a Barbiemobile, if not more. Just something to ponder and discuss!

Monday, April 19, 2010

George Washington - a library delinquent?!

Oh George Washington, you naughty naughty boy! You checked out a couple books from the New York Society Library and never bothered to return them?!

Alas, I can't really point too many fingers because I know as a child, my mother had to pay for a book or two that my brother and I seemed to have lost in the ethers' somewhere. And I know of one book that I had to pay up for as an adult too.

*Hangs head in shame*

But at least I paid up for the book, I know when to admit defeat. President Washington apparently did not. He has been racking up penny fines since November 2, 1789. My online source, UPI.com, did the math work for all of us. That's 300,000 dollars in late fees!!! Say what?!

Apparently, the library is willing to forgo the overdue fines (ancestors of George, you can now breathe a big sigh of relief) but the library would still like to get those books back! So if you are a descendant of George Washington and you happen to have the international relations treatise "Law of Nations" and volume 12 of the British Parliament transcript series "Commons Debates" on your bookshelf, you better hustle and return those puppies! I'm sure there's a long line of people who have been dying to get their hands on those books! Or in some cases, maybe died waiting! After all, its been a few years since those books have graced the library with their presence. Let's get those back into circulation, ok?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cycle For Your Supper?

Any of you bicycle enthusiasts hankering to take a trip to Copenhagen? Well, guess what! You are in luck! A hotel is doing a special little tip of the hat to you and to being Green.

Apparently, the Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers is installing two exercise bikes hooked up to generators. Guests are encouraged to hop aboard and pedal and if they produce enough electricity for the hotel, you get a free meal!

The idea is that you will "race" against the hotel's solar panel system to see who/what can produce the most electricity. The magic amount of watt hours you need to reach? 10 or more, then you earn your meal! And this meal isn't to be scoffed at my friends! The meal is locally produced with fresh ingredients! Double Green bonus in my book! The meal is any one of the main courses at the hotel restaurant and is about $44 dollars. The hotel says this way, "the meal encourages guests to not only get fit but also reduce their carbon footprint and save electricity and money."

There is a catch though. The free meal offer is only good if you're a paying guest at the hotel. But still, pretty cool, right?! I love hearing about this kind of thing and I send a big thanks to Reuters.com for shedding light on a really excellent concept!

According to Reuters, the hotel's cycle for your supper will be ready to go on April 19 and the plan is to test the idea for a year with the notion that they might expand to more Crowne Plaza hotels, part of the InterContinental Hotels Group.

So what are you waiting for cyclists and Green supporters?! Book your flight today!

I give this story two big green thumbs up!

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