Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hello Kitty All Grown Up!

Hello Kitty's all grown up. No longer just satisfied with milk, now she's got a much more expensive and perhaps sophisticated taste? The fancy feline's now out and about marketing her new wine. Oh and don't worry, Miss Kitty is apparently old enough to drink and is flaunting it Betty Boop style to prove it to you! Check this video out before you read any more.

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I'm not completely sure where I stand on this, but I do know that if you're a parent and you're buying this for yourself, I think it's a good idea to keep it locked up and hidden from your Hello Kitty obsessed kiddos! This is not the Kitty they know (She's flaunting her underoo's on a couple of the bottles)!

I do wonder, is the wine any good or is it nasty sludge in a pretty kitty package? Is this just another marketing ploy to get us to buy stuff? Will it work? We shall see.

What are your thoughts?

PS I love when the reporter says, in response to critics saying that this is marketing wine to kids, "New flash! Hello Kitty is 35!" Like it's totally ok for someone who is 35 to market wine to your kids?! It doesn't matter about the age. It's the fact that it's a cartoon that kids love. I'm guessing that's what's bothering some people. Duh!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Teddy Bear Traveling

Get. Out. I almost can't believe this. Watch it. And if your jaw doesn't drop, you love your stuffed animals too much.

Is there a teddy bear large enough for me to hide in so I can go on the trips too? This whole idea is crananas for sure!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Two Ghosties for sale! Two Ghosties for sale!

Two ghosties for sale! Two ghosties for sale!
Two crying and spying old ghosties for sale!
Do I hear a dollar? A nickel? A penny?
Oh, isn’t there, isnt’ there, isn’t there any
One who will buy these old ghosties for sale,
These crying and spying old ghosties for sale?

No, I'm not making this up. A woman in New Zealand auctioned off two vials supposedly containing a couple of ghosts. She didn't even need a clever poem to insight interest! Somebody actually purchased the vials!

But I think I'm getting ahead of myself here. Let's begin at the beginning of this ghost story.

It was a dark and stormy night...What? Who doesn't want a little pizazz with their ghost story?!

Fine. I will put theatrics aside and deliver the facts. It's a good thing that this story is interesting enough without the pizazz!

The "ghosts" were put up for bidding by Avie Woodbury. Woodbury said they were the spirits of an old man who lived in the house during the 1920's, and a powerful, disruptive little girl who turned up after a session with an Ouija board. She said that the ghosts were captured in her house during an exorcism and stored in glass vials that were dipped in holy water, which she says dulls the energy of the spirits.

"I just want to get rid of them as they scare me. But someone might like these to play with," Woodbury said.

Since an exorcism at the property last July, Woodbury said there's been no further spooky activity. "Whether it is psychological or not but I definitely felt a new vibe in the house," she told TVNZ.

Wondering how much two ghosts go for these days? Well, they sold for 2,830 New Zealand dollars, which is 1,983 US dollars. Woodbury said all proceeds from the auction, minus the exorcist's fee, would be donated to an animal charity.

Now, I happen to believe in the idea of ghosts, spirits, angels etc. (But not so far into "etc" that I believe in Unicorns and Mermaids ok?! So don't freak out! :0) ) My ideas aren't fully formed on the subject because it's impossible to know everything about anything. But that doesn't mean that I can get on board with the idea of catching them in a glass vial! Let's say she didn't get swindled by the exorcist and she had ghosts and it's perhaps possible to trap them, is that really a kind thing to do? Trapping some poor confused spirit in a vial? And I certainly don't think that it's a nice idea to sell them to the highest bidder! Making money off of selling a ghostie? Hardly seems fair to me! Not to mention that you wanted to sell them because "someone might like these to play with." What?! Last time I checked, nobody really likes to play with ghosts, besides maybe that kid from The Shining.

All I have to say is this: Lady, if you think those ghosts were bothering you before, just wait till the proud new owner of the vials let's the ghosts "free." No matter how much the new "owners" want to play with their ghosts, I have a feeling, those ghosts are coming back. To find you. To thank you, in their own spooktastic way. I'd sleep with your light on, if I were you.



Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cast of DWTS!

Last season, I watched the first two episodes of Dancing with the Stars and then realized I didn't care about what I was watching. This was the second season in a row feeling like that so I finally said to myself, You're done with DWTS! Move on woman!

And I did!

Then this season, they had to go and cast the show with a bunch of cranana worthy contestants. How can I not watch with the likes of Chad Ochocinco (Seriously?! Ochocinco's your last name? Give. Me. A. Break. I can just see you in your rehearsals now, good luck to your partner!), Evan Lysacek, that annoying Bachelor, Kate Gosselin (AKA Crazy hair. Although lately, her hair has been pretty good!), Pamela Anderson and Shannen Doherty?! That's not all of them mind you, but that sample of the wanna be dancers ought to intrigue you just a little. That is, if you used to watch and enjoy the show like me, then got tired of it because you barely recognized any of the "Stars". Yes, these new stars aren't A-listers either but they are certainly more well known then a lot of DWTS's past contestants. If you never cared about the show, chances are you still won't. No biggie for you either way. But this might be just what the dancing doctor ordered for me.

If there's any cranana moments this season, I will be sure to post it for your amusement! Sadly with Samantha Harris gone, there may not be little gems like this anymore (Harris speaking in tongues featured below). But I have to say, in this case, thank goodness! I'm excited for Brooke Burke to raise the bar and join Tom Bergeron on his level of clever hosting.

I've got my fingers crossed for you DWTS! You've always had great pro dancers and finally we are back to having interesting celebs! Here's hoping you don't fall flat on your sequined behind! Because if you do, SYTYCD is waiting in wings, to prance all over you!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Really, Lindsay Lohan? Really?!

Wow. Lindsay Lohan is grasping at straws these days. I stumbled upon this interesting tidbit thanks to one of my facebook friends, Mike.

Have you seen those E*Trade commercials with the babies? Well, Lindsay is pissed at one baby in particular. Ok, so she's not mad at the actual baby, but she might as well be!

Lohan is claiming that because this ad has a baby named Lindsay in it, it's like duh, obviously her!

Give me a break Lindsay. Big ego much? Before I say any more on the topic, check out the commercial.

The baby that's named Lindsay has half a line in the commercial! Now I should say, I really don't like when people steal ideas and stories etc that belong to others, but this seems a little bit absurd. Not to mention, quite a stretch. Are you going to sue stand up comics next for using your name in a joke? You'll be rich!

But wait, there's more! Here's where it gets really crananas. She's suing for 100 MILLION dollars! I guess she must be trying to audition for the role of Dr. Evil.

My favorite favorite part is when the laywer steps in. Stephanie Ovadia tells TMZ, "It doesn't matter that the commercial doesn't mention the name Lohan." She then added, "Do you know the name Oprah? Do you know the name Madonna? Same thing." Come on Lawyer Lady, sooo not the same thing!

Ovadia apparently didn't say anything about the "milkaholic" reference, but said "If you look at the commercial as a whole, it's Lindsay Lohan." What? Are you her lawyer or her worst PR nightmare?!

Bottom Line:

According the Lindsay Lohan's line of thinking, anyone named Lindsay is in the market to get 100 Million dollars from E*Trade! (Because, let's be real, it's a pretty common name.) So it could be the Lindsay who works at Target, or Lindsay who's a preschool teacher or the bartender named Lindsay. If this kind of thinking caught on, lawsuits would be flying all over the TV and movie world! Then we would have characters with names like, Zorp and Glipglob. Is it worthy it, Lindsay?! Oh, pardon me, let me clarify. Is it worth it, Lindsay LOHAN?!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I DO love you!

You just have to watch this. I like the first song better, but they are both pretty crananas!

What did you think?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Las Crananas!

This is a problem for anyone who fancies themselves a potential member of the Geek Squad, Nerd Herd, or Dork Patrol. I have a TV problem that I think is crananas and I'm looking for an explanation!

Here's the problem:

My TV will sometimes switch to Spanish without me doing a thing to it.

Here are the facts:

This only happens to our bedroom TV. Never had this problem with our living room TV.

I have had this happen to two different TVs in the bedroom.

The TV doesn't get cable, just your basic channels.

Sometimes I will turn it on and the dialogue will already be in Spanish. And no, it's not on a Spanish speaking channel. It mostly happens on channel 9 (WGN) and channel 7 (ABC).

Other times, the show will be in English and then suddenly switch on me in the middle of the program!

No, it's not always the same program or same time of day. And the commercials are in English! Say what?!

Changing the channel and then coming back to the crananas channel doesn't get rid of the Spanish. It takes turning the TV off, waiting a few minutes and then turning it back on. Most times, that works.

I know it's the show's dialogue translated into Spanish because I have retained un poquito of Spanish, enough to know that it's for the show I was watching. So it's not like my atenna is just picking up a different channel's dialogue.


Can anyone explain what is happening? Is there a TV lovin' ghostie in my room that only speaks Spanish? Is my TV trying to tell me that I should brush up on my Spanish skills?

Has this happened to anyone else out there? More importantly, how do I fix it?

Share it!