Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hello Kitty All Grown Up!

Hello Kitty's all grown up. No longer just satisfied with milk, now she's got a much more expensive and perhaps sophisticated taste? The fancy feline's now out and about marketing her new wine. Oh and don't worry, Miss Kitty is apparently old enough to drink and is flaunting it Betty Boop style to prove it to you! Check this video out before you read any more.

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I'm not completely sure where I stand on this, but I do know that if you're a parent and you're buying this for yourself, I think it's a good idea to keep it locked up and hidden from your Hello Kitty obsessed kiddos! This is not the Kitty they know (She's flaunting her underoo's on a couple of the bottles)!

I do wonder, is the wine any good or is it nasty sludge in a pretty kitty package? Is this just another marketing ploy to get us to buy stuff? Will it work? We shall see.

What are your thoughts?

PS I love when the reporter says, in response to critics saying that this is marketing wine to kids, "New flash! Hello Kitty is 35!" Like it's totally ok for someone who is 35 to market wine to your kids?! It doesn't matter about the age. It's the fact that it's a cartoon that kids love. I'm guessing that's what's bothering some people. Duh!

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