Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Really, Lindsay Lohan? Really?!

Wow. Lindsay Lohan is grasping at straws these days. I stumbled upon this interesting tidbit thanks to one of my facebook friends, Mike.

Have you seen those E*Trade commercials with the babies? Well, Lindsay is pissed at one baby in particular. Ok, so she's not mad at the actual baby, but she might as well be!

Lohan is claiming that because this ad has a baby named Lindsay in it, it's like duh, obviously her!

Give me a break Lindsay. Big ego much? Before I say any more on the topic, check out the commercial.

The baby that's named Lindsay has half a line in the commercial! Now I should say, I really don't like when people steal ideas and stories etc that belong to others, but this seems a little bit absurd. Not to mention, quite a stretch. Are you going to sue stand up comics next for using your name in a joke? You'll be rich!

But wait, there's more! Here's where it gets really crananas. She's suing for 100 MILLION dollars! I guess she must be trying to audition for the role of Dr. Evil.

My favorite favorite part is when the laywer steps in. Stephanie Ovadia tells TMZ, "It doesn't matter that the commercial doesn't mention the name Lohan." She then added, "Do you know the name Oprah? Do you know the name Madonna? Same thing." Come on Lawyer Lady, sooo not the same thing!

Ovadia apparently didn't say anything about the "milkaholic" reference, but said "If you look at the commercial as a whole, it's Lindsay Lohan." What? Are you her lawyer or her worst PR nightmare?!

Bottom Line:

According the Lindsay Lohan's line of thinking, anyone named Lindsay is in the market to get 100 Million dollars from E*Trade! (Because, let's be real, it's a pretty common name.) So it could be the Lindsay who works at Target, or Lindsay who's a preschool teacher or the bartender named Lindsay. If this kind of thinking caught on, lawsuits would be flying all over the TV and movie world! Then we would have characters with names like, Zorp and Glipglob. Is it worthy it, Lindsay?! Oh, pardon me, let me clarify. Is it worth it, Lindsay LOHAN?!

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