Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beep Beep! Barbie car coming through!

"Sir, I'm going to need you to pull over your barbiemobile" says the Cop as he calmly walks along side the battery run barbie car going it's full 4 mph. The Cop writes the ticket as he walks along side the moving "vehicle".

Can you see it? My imagination started working over time when I heard that this was a true story! This. Actually. Happened. Well, ok I don't know exactly how pulling the car over went down, but I'm imagining it was something similar to what I wrote!

According to, a 4o year old British man found a barbie car (made for 3 to 5 years old, mind you) and decided that it was a good project for his 17 year old son and him to work on together. The duo had worked on it for over a year ( I wish I could find pictures of this masterpiece!).

Apparently on the day of his arrest, Paul Hutton was working on the car and drinking a bit. Hutton decided to take his new beauty out for a joy ride. While motoring around, he got pulled over by the police.

"The police pulled up and asked if I was all right," Hutton said. "I'd had a few drinks but I felt fine. I hadn't spoken to anyone all day -- then I found out I couldn't talk. I was very surprised to get done for drink-driving, but I was a twit to say the least."

Well at least there's that, Hutton. You admitted you were crananas. Now it's time to ask the tough questions. What kind of power did this Barbie car hold over you? Were you always jealous of your sister's barbie car? Do you just like obscenely strange challenges? Was this going to be your 17 year old son's first car? And most importantly, was it all worth getting your license suspended for at least 3 years?

Because that's what happened. Hutton's driver's license was suspended and he's going to be forever known as the Barbiemobile twit. Personally, I think it's a little strange to want to work and drive a Barbie car as an adult without a little daughter, but I think maybe a 3 year suspension of his license is a bit much. I mean, we let 3 to 5 years old drive these things! How much damage can you really do with a plastic car that only reaches 4 mph? I can see maybe a year suspension but more than that? Court systems, rule makers and people of importance, if you're going to rule in favor of a license suspension that long for driving a kiddie car, then maybe you need to think about suspending driving licenses of bicyclists who bike drunk too. I think a bicycle can do at least the same amount of damage as a Barbiemobile, if not more. Just something to ponder and discuss!

Monday, April 19, 2010

George Washington - a library delinquent?!

Oh George Washington, you naughty naughty boy! You checked out a couple books from the New York Society Library and never bothered to return them?!

Alas, I can't really point too many fingers because I know as a child, my mother had to pay for a book or two that my brother and I seemed to have lost in the ethers' somewhere. And I know of one book that I had to pay up for as an adult too.

*Hangs head in shame*

But at least I paid up for the book, I know when to admit defeat. President Washington apparently did not. He has been racking up penny fines since November 2, 1789. My online source,, did the math work for all of us. That's 300,000 dollars in late fees!!! Say what?!

Apparently, the library is willing to forgo the overdue fines (ancestors of George, you can now breathe a big sigh of relief) but the library would still like to get those books back! So if you are a descendant of George Washington and you happen to have the international relations treatise "Law of Nations" and volume 12 of the British Parliament transcript series "Commons Debates" on your bookshelf, you better hustle and return those puppies! I'm sure there's a long line of people who have been dying to get their hands on those books! Or in some cases, maybe died waiting! After all, its been a few years since those books have graced the library with their presence. Let's get those back into circulation, ok?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cycle For Your Supper?

Any of you bicycle enthusiasts hankering to take a trip to Copenhagen? Well, guess what! You are in luck! A hotel is doing a special little tip of the hat to you and to being Green.

Apparently, the Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers is installing two exercise bikes hooked up to generators. Guests are encouraged to hop aboard and pedal and if they produce enough electricity for the hotel, you get a free meal!

The idea is that you will "race" against the hotel's solar panel system to see who/what can produce the most electricity. The magic amount of watt hours you need to reach? 10 or more, then you earn your meal! And this meal isn't to be scoffed at my friends! The meal is locally produced with fresh ingredients! Double Green bonus in my book! The meal is any one of the main courses at the hotel restaurant and is about $44 dollars. The hotel says this way, "the meal encourages guests to not only get fit but also reduce their carbon footprint and save electricity and money."

There is a catch though. The free meal offer is only good if you're a paying guest at the hotel. But still, pretty cool, right?! I love hearing about this kind of thing and I send a big thanks to for shedding light on a really excellent concept!

According to Reuters, the hotel's cycle for your supper will be ready to go on April 19 and the plan is to test the idea for a year with the notion that they might expand to more Crowne Plaza hotels, part of the InterContinental Hotels Group.

So what are you waiting for cyclists and Green supporters?! Book your flight today!

I give this story two big green thumbs up!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cranana Worthy Commercial!

Thanks to the Ellen Show for sharing this commercial! This is without a doubt, crananas!

Here's your daily dose of giggles-you're welcome!

This is a real place people! Check out their website! I don't know about you, but I might have to take a trip to Indiana to check them out!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What kind of "sandwich" are you making KFC?!

Oh my, oh my, oh my. Have you come across the commercial for KFC's newest creation? They are always pushing the envelope in the gluttony department, so this shouldn't surprise me but it does.

Let me first say, I'm all for having fast food on occasion and I like to indulge in "bad for you foods" like french fries etc from time to time. You just have to know when to stop. You know, where to draw the line? So needless to say, I'm a little aflutter about KFC's new "sandwich" called the Double Down. This concoction definitely requires a double take. Get ready.

That's a "sandwich" made out of two pieces of fried chicken. The insides are two pieces of bacon and two pieces of cheese and a special sauce. Couldn't they have throw in some lettuce or tomato just for the heck of it? Something that's fresh?

There's a really fantastic article about this gluttonous meal, check it out here.

This would be much less frightening if it was just one piece of chicken and/or maybe less or no bacon! It's a nice idea, for some people who are carb conscious, to get rid of the bread. But this isn't the alternative those kind of people are looking for. Did you look at the article I linked to? Did you see how high the sodium is in the sandwich?! It's almost your whole sodium intake for the whole day!

Yes, I know you can get this meal with grilled chicken and I suppose then it could qualify as an occasional indulgence that's not so bad. The problem is that a lot of people don't know their limits. They don't know when to say no (This is me with my beloved baked Cheetos! Just mentioning them makes me crave them!). Plus some people just won't want to go for the grilled chicken. So that's why it makes me nervous.

Another thought to ponder: why would a kid ever want a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with mayo and mustard with maybe, gasp, some green when they could get their hands on this thing? It's up to you, parents. Stand your ground and say just no!

Yes, I know that there are worse sandwiches and meals out there, but this is the one I am choosing to go crananas about today! Just because there are tons of these ridiculous meals out there, doesn't make it ok!

And don't even get me started on the lack of vegetarian fast food options! Why does that have to be an oxymoron? Ahh,well. That's another blog for another time!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Little School that Could!

Yes, that's right, I'm talking about Butler University!

Unlike most of the world, I didn't just discover Butler. I attended and enjoyed my four years of college there! And previous to myself, my mother went to Butler too. We actually ended up living in the same unit on the same floor in the same dorm, but that's a crananas for another time!

Back to Butler, the little school that could! How proud of my school am I, you might ask? Very proud indeed! Basketball isn't one of "my sports" but I do enjoy watching it live and I played one year in middle school (not good enough for the A-team and was carted off to the B-team! Don't feel bad for me though, I had my go at the A team in another sport! :0) ) and I have to admit, I only went to one or two games while attending Butler. But there's something about the spirit of the school, and the current players and Coach that made everyone, including me, want to watch!

I have two college buddies to thank for getting me on board the Butler bandwagon this year, Amy and Becky. Thanks ladies! I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on watching Butler's team make it to the final game!

Did you see this team make it to the final game? If you didn't, you truly lost! It's like the movie Hoosiers all over again! The Butler team had so much heart and never gave up! Slow and steady wins the race indeed! Ok, so not literally slow, because you can't play basketball slowly and win. Der! (Yes, I just typed Der. It's one of many words I've decided to bring back!)

You might be thinking, "Does this girl even know that Butler lost?" Yes, I do know that technically Butler lost this year. However, the day after the game, not many people saw Butler as the "loosing team", on the contrary actually! They won the hearts of the country and represented all the little schools, the underdogs, the people who work hard and never give up no matter what you're faced with! That's why they won in my book.

Congrats to the hard working and inspirational team! If you want to read a nice article about Butler, check this out.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Desperate Housewife Star and her Cranana worthy Claim!

Nicollette Sheridan, former Desperate Housewives Star, is stirring up trouble, just like her character Edie used to do every Sunday night on the hour long drama. Sheridan is claiming that behind the scenes there's a fair amount of the dramatic as well. Sheridan says in her lawsuit that the show's creator, Marc Cherry, hit her in the face on the set of the ABC show. In her face!?

Sheridan has also stated in the lawsuit that Cherry creates a hostile work environment and that he's said some very nasty things like, "I hope Teri Hatcher gets hit by a car and dies."

Yowza! Those are some strong, reputation ruining allegations to be putting out there! The train has left Cordial Station and is making a unscheduled stop in Foulville!

Let's get semi-serious here. However this turns out, it isn't going to be pretty. If Sheridan is right, Cherry and the show are done. And the whole thing tarnishes ABC's reputation a bit. Then there's the whole mess of someone being violent. It's never ok to hit someone (Especially at work. I mean come on!) and it would be appalling to find out that's what has happened. Not to mention, Sheridan would be right about being targeted and pushed around and to me, that alone is completely unprofessional.

The other side of the coin would prove that Sheridan is being vindictive and she's a big fat liar. The statements she has made in her lawsuit are atrocious things to make up about a person and it's deplorable to tear down a fun program and its crew because you're bitter about being given the boot. Also, if she was lying, it would make her look greedy. Because....

Sheridan's suing for $20 million dollars and alleging assault and battery, gender violence and wrongful termination. If her accusations are false and this is just an attention and money thing, Sheridan is done.

So either way, this story doesn't have a happy ending. This is the kind of thing that always fuels the fires of the people who like to spread rumors about cast and crew of tv shows (and movies) not getting along. Let's hope it can get sorted out without too many causalities.

For the full story check out People's website. Or just turn on the tv. It's everywhere. Now can someone tell me how to get back to Cordial Station? I like it much better there.

Friday, April 2, 2010

What the what Vanity Fair?!

Oh Vanity Fair. I thought you were better than this. A giant feature article about the mistresses of Tiger Woods?! Aren't we bored of this yet? And more importantly, why would you stoop to that level?

To me this comes across as a blatant attempt to sell your magazine. And yes magazines and other publications do this too. But I just never thought you'd be one of them.

Hear reason please!

Why should we reward the behavior of Tiger Woods and his mistresses with even more coverage? Is it any of our business? More importantly, I think most of us don't give two toots about these women or the scandal anymore! Did you comprehend that last sentence? Did you?!

Maybe, and I want to stress maybe, if I thought you were going to take, let's say a more dignified and factual approach, perhaps I could see reason. However, from what I've seen, it doesn't look like that's the way you went. I'm baffled! This just doesn't seem like the kind of thing you would do. Maybe OK! or Star magazine, but not Vanity Fair!

I mean, is this the same Vanity Fair that in 1996, the journalist Marie Brenner wrote an exposé on the tobacco industry entitled "The Man Who Knew Too Much?" And thanks to online sources like Wikipedia, I know you've had other quality and intriguing articles like in 2005, when your article revealed the identity of Deep Throat (W. Mark Felt), one of the sources for The Washington Post articles on Watergate. Your magazine also included candid interviews with Teri Hatcher admitting to being abused as a child, or what about Anderson Cooper talking about his brother's death and Martha Stewart gave an exclusive to the magazine right after her release from prison?

That's an example of the kind of articles you used to produce. Remember? Not dribble about a tired event, that most people couldn't care less about. Stop covering and prolonging this mess!

For shame, Vanity Fair. Maybe we should just call you Vainity Fair from now on.

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