Monday, April 19, 2010

George Washington - a library delinquent?!

Oh George Washington, you naughty naughty boy! You checked out a couple books from the New York Society Library and never bothered to return them?!

Alas, I can't really point too many fingers because I know as a child, my mother had to pay for a book or two that my brother and I seemed to have lost in the ethers' somewhere. And I know of one book that I had to pay up for as an adult too.

*Hangs head in shame*

But at least I paid up for the book, I know when to admit defeat. President Washington apparently did not. He has been racking up penny fines since November 2, 1789. My online source,, did the math work for all of us. That's 300,000 dollars in late fees!!! Say what?!

Apparently, the library is willing to forgo the overdue fines (ancestors of George, you can now breathe a big sigh of relief) but the library would still like to get those books back! So if you are a descendant of George Washington and you happen to have the international relations treatise "Law of Nations" and volume 12 of the British Parliament transcript series "Commons Debates" on your bookshelf, you better hustle and return those puppies! I'm sure there's a long line of people who have been dying to get their hands on those books! Or in some cases, maybe died waiting! After all, its been a few years since those books have graced the library with their presence. Let's get those back into circulation, ok?

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