Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beep Beep! Barbie car coming through!

"Sir, I'm going to need you to pull over your barbiemobile" says the Cop as he calmly walks along side the battery run barbie car going it's full 4 mph. The Cop writes the ticket as he walks along side the moving "vehicle".

Can you see it? My imagination started working over time when I heard that this was a true story! This. Actually. Happened. Well, ok I don't know exactly how pulling the car over went down, but I'm imagining it was something similar to what I wrote!

According to, a 4o year old British man found a barbie car (made for 3 to 5 years old, mind you) and decided that it was a good project for his 17 year old son and him to work on together. The duo had worked on it for over a year ( I wish I could find pictures of this masterpiece!).

Apparently on the day of his arrest, Paul Hutton was working on the car and drinking a bit. Hutton decided to take his new beauty out for a joy ride. While motoring around, he got pulled over by the police.

"The police pulled up and asked if I was all right," Hutton said. "I'd had a few drinks but I felt fine. I hadn't spoken to anyone all day -- then I found out I couldn't talk. I was very surprised to get done for drink-driving, but I was a twit to say the least."

Well at least there's that, Hutton. You admitted you were crananas. Now it's time to ask the tough questions. What kind of power did this Barbie car hold over you? Were you always jealous of your sister's barbie car? Do you just like obscenely strange challenges? Was this going to be your 17 year old son's first car? And most importantly, was it all worth getting your license suspended for at least 3 years?

Because that's what happened. Hutton's driver's license was suspended and he's going to be forever known as the Barbiemobile twit. Personally, I think it's a little strange to want to work and drive a Barbie car as an adult without a little daughter, but I think maybe a 3 year suspension of his license is a bit much. I mean, we let 3 to 5 years old drive these things! How much damage can you really do with a plastic car that only reaches 4 mph? I can see maybe a year suspension but more than that? Court systems, rule makers and people of importance, if you're going to rule in favor of a license suspension that long for driving a kiddie car, then maybe you need to think about suspending driving licenses of bicyclists who bike drunk too. I think a bicycle can do at least the same amount of damage as a Barbiemobile, if not more. Just something to ponder and discuss!

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