Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What kind of "sandwich" are you making KFC?!

Oh my, oh my, oh my. Have you come across the commercial for KFC's newest creation? They are always pushing the envelope in the gluttony department, so this shouldn't surprise me but it does.

Let me first say, I'm all for having fast food on occasion and I like to indulge in "bad for you foods" like french fries etc from time to time. You just have to know when to stop. You know, where to draw the line? So needless to say, I'm a little aflutter about KFC's new "sandwich" called the Double Down. This concoction definitely requires a double take. Get ready.

That's a "sandwich" made out of two pieces of fried chicken. The insides are two pieces of bacon and two pieces of cheese and a special sauce. Couldn't they have throw in some lettuce or tomato just for the heck of it? Something that's fresh?

There's a really fantastic article about this gluttonous meal, check it out here.

This would be much less frightening if it was just one piece of chicken and/or maybe less or no bacon! It's a nice idea, for some people who are carb conscious, to get rid of the bread. But this isn't the alternative those kind of people are looking for. Did you look at the article I linked to? Did you see how high the sodium is in the sandwich?! It's almost your whole sodium intake for the whole day!

Yes, I know you can get this meal with grilled chicken and I suppose then it could qualify as an occasional indulgence that's not so bad. The problem is that a lot of people don't know their limits. They don't know when to say no (This is me with my beloved baked Cheetos! Just mentioning them makes me crave them!). Plus some people just won't want to go for the grilled chicken. So that's why it makes me nervous.

Another thought to ponder: why would a kid ever want a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with mayo and mustard with maybe, gasp, some green when they could get their hands on this thing? It's up to you, parents. Stand your ground and say just no!

Yes, I know that there are worse sandwiches and meals out there, but this is the one I am choosing to go crananas about today! Just because there are tons of these ridiculous meals out there, doesn't make it ok!

And don't even get me started on the lack of vegetarian fast food options! Why does that have to be an oxymoron? Ahh,well. That's another blog for another time!

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