Friday, June 4, 2010

Elvis in politics?!

Elvis is getting into politics! Ok, so it's not the real Elvis. The "real" Elvis is too busy sneaking around the country making surprise appearances at bars, sidewalk cafes, and public restrooms (Just Google Elvis sightings. That might be a blog for another time!).

According to the AP, this "Elvis" is just an impersonator in St. Paul, Minnesota. Elvis, otherwise known in this case as Todd Anderson, has filed for the position of lieutenant governor along side Ole Savior, an apparent perennial office seeker. Elvis and Ole Savior. Huh. That's quite a ballot duo. I'm still having a hard time believing that Ole Savior is a real name but I guess it must be because Minnesota forbids improper names for their ballot. You have to use a name on the ballot that is commonly and generally known in the community.

But there's no law stopping tons of publicity photos and plugging of one's endeavors. Anderson has a website and on it he mentions some reasons for running.

They are as follows:
  1. To bring some excitement and energy to Minnesota politics!
  2. I like Ole Savior's innovative ideas and I want other Minnesotans to hear what he has to say.
  3. Let's be honest, even if I'm not elected the publicity may help my career as an entertainer. Plus, I will have more fun running for Lt. Governor than any of my opponents.
Interesting, right?

Hmmm, what's next for us in politics? "Marilyn Monroe" running for Governor? "Big Bird" for President? Let's hope we are smarter than that, right? But, Jerry Springer and that wrestler guy did end up in government. Uh oh.

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