Sunday, August 22, 2010

A man who wants to be a dog. What? I mean really...what?!

While watching this video, my jaw dropped open and a look of dismay fluttered across my face and then decided to stay. I even gasped. I gasped, people!

This is crananas in its truest form! I will discuss it more after you witness it for yourselves.

Uh, yeah.

A couple of things:

1. I love dogs too, happen to own one and I think of him as part of the family, but I've never felt the need to dress as a dog as an adult. Except maybe on Halloween. All bets are off on Halloween. However, Halloween comes but once a year!

2. Yes, I have favorite childhood tv shows too, but you don't see me strutting around my neighborhood as a blue Smurf just because! I'd also never change my name to Smurffette. But that's just because there isn't a good nickname for Smurffette. :0)

3. I do feel bad for this guy because I'm sure he's been made fun for this, but at the same time, he could have said no to the interview. Oh yeah, and no to dressing up like a dog 24/7 too!

4. As an entertainer for children, former instructor and actor, I totally love when grown ups can be silly and have a good time pretending while entertaining kiddos. But I don't get the vibe that's what this is all about. Do you?

5. I give props to whoever made that costume's pretty cool!

To me it seems like this is something a kid would do to be different or get attention. Very Max from Where the Wild Things Are. Maybe he just doesn't want to grow up. I can understand and sympathize and who am I to get all judgy on him? To each their own, I suppose!

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