Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Zombie classes? Where they teach be a zombie?

No, no, no! In this class, you study zombies! I think learning to be a zombie is the follow up course. Hmmm, or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part, being a former theatre major and all. :0)

But seriously, how excited would you be if you got to take a class about zombies!? Apparently the University of Baltimore is offering this class to their students. They get to watch zombie movies, read zombie comics and for their final exam they can write a script about zombies or do a zombie storyboard!! I'm sure that there is actual hard work being done too but with a topic this fun, it would be difficult to skip this class. This is a prime example of learning = fun!

Don't be bummed if you don't live in Baltimore because this is not the first time zombies have been studied on a college campus. Chicago's own Columbia College has offered a course on the undead in popular media for years. So there's hope if you want to learn more about zombies. Call your local college today!

However, I'd be more interested in a vampire class. I think this theme is much more timely and popular and the topic also has a long history in film and other media. I know that class list would fill up faster than a Vamp could suck your blood!

Ah, Ah, AHHH!!!
(She laughs in her very best Dracula impersonation. Well, I guess it sounds more like the Count from Sesame Street. Ah, well.)

Here's the full AP story.

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