Thursday, September 9, 2010

It drives me crananas and I can't help myself!

This is not the typical blog entry that I want to be writing. But every once and a while a pet peeve just pops up in your daily life and you want to rant to someone.

Well, guess what? It's your lucky day! I'm going to rant to you!

I have a pet peeve that drives me crananas! Which I guess saying that is sort of redundant but that's how crananas I get!

It's about sidewalks, people. Please for the love of all that is good and orderly, learn to walk on them properly! I'm talking about sidewalk etiquette.

Let me break it down for you:

It's really quite simple. You walk on sidewalks the same way you drive. And this is coming from someone who doesn't drive because I'm too nervous to do it in city traffic. So if I know this, you should too!

We walk on the right hand side and if you are a party of more than two, it is polite to break apart i.e. MOVE when there are other people walking towards you and can't get around you. I cannot stand when groups of three or more people just casually take up the whole sidewalk and don't feel the need to move to the side for just a second to let you pass. No, no, it's ok! I, being one singular person, will walk into the grass or street just so your large rude group can keep walking a straight across Sex and the City linked line. I mean really!?

I don't expect every single person to be aware 24/7 while talking and walking on the street, but one person in your group, probably one that is not chatting away, should have the ability to just tuck behind the group for a second to make a little room for a passerby. It. is. polite. Have we forgotten how to be polite?

Now, I'm not talking about when a person is coming up from behind you, that's not your fault. You don't have eyes in the back of your head. Or a rear view mirror. I'm talking about when you can see the person coming towards your group. I had an end person of a sidewalk stampede literally knock into me with their shoulder when passing me, and that's after I had moved into the grass! Sidewalk insanity I tell you! Would you just clip a car as you drove by because you didn't feel like moving onto your side of the road? No, I think not!

Please, please be kind on the sidewalks. Let's always treat each other with respect. Let's notice and acknowledge each other! Or at the very least, stay on the right side of the sidewalk! :0)

Do you all have any pet peeves regarding sidewalks?

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