Saturday, September 11, 2010

Brunch the way we like it!

My husband and I consider ourselves brunch aficionados -if we go out to eat, our meal of choice is always brunch. We try to visit as many different brunch places as possible and we always try to pick out something new and/or interesting to order. We also celebrate brunch at home, like true brunch fans.

Breakfast and brunch for dinner anyone? Which I guess would technically be called brinner? Brunner? In any case, we love experimenting in the kitchen, making french toast, frittatas, omelets, waffles, pancakes etc etc! If we could, I'm sure we would eat breakfast all the time. But that's probably not the healthiest, sanest approach to meals though. And then it wouldn't be so special. The novelty might wear off.

The point I'm trying to make is that we know brunch and we were so happy to discover another fantastic *Trader Joe's product! I know you all have tried and fell in love with TJ's Pumpkin Bread, so now get ready to fall all over again for their new Pumpkin Pancake and Waffle Mix!!

This mix makes the best pancakes! Light and fluffy and ohhh, that tasty pumpkin flavor-not a fake pumpkin taste (I actually saw small bits of shredded pumpkin!) and not super strong. Like Goldilocks would say if she tried these instead of lumpy porridge, it was juuuuuust right!

You could easily eat these bad boys without any syrup or butter! For a super sweet treat, I bet adding mini chocolate chips would hit the spot (then definitely don't add the syrup)! We've made them with chopped pecans (also from Trader Joe's) and mini chocolate chips. Then we promptly fell into a food and sugar coma. Which is perfect for a Sunday afternoon!

Now hurry and get your box before I beat you to the store and stock pile them all!

*As with a lot of TJ's products, there are no artificial flavors or preservatives.

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