Thursday, May 27, 2010

Super clean kitty!

Get ready to make a sad face.

A kitten was accidently given a fast paced, tough and tumbly bath in a washing machine. A washing machine!! Before you wig out too much, let me just say the kitten survived and sounds like she will be just fine.

The Rogers family, who live in Sydney, Australia, are the happy and grateful pet owners of Kimba, the four month old kitten who survived a spin in the washing machine. The owners assume that Kimba must have climbed into the front loader machine when the door was open, and then the unknowing owner closed the door and turned on the machine for a cold wash and a high level spin!

"We could hardly believe our eyes when she emerged, looking like a drowned rat," he told

Kimba was alive but of course still needed help, so they rushed her to the vet where she was treated for shock and hypothermia and her eyes were treated because they were affected by the detergent in the machine. Yikes!

That poor little kitty! Let this be a lesson to those of us with pets! They can be quiet, capable and also surprisingly durable. But let's not test that theory out too much. I think Kimba had some serious luck on her side. I tend to agree with her owner who says, "It is just amazing that she survived but we reckon she's used all of her nine lives."

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