Thursday, July 1, 2010

Will denim diapers make your baby cool?

A baby boy struts confidently into the playground in the newest coolest denim diaper. Jaws drop everywhere. Babies eyes are drawn to this fashion plate. The baby boy gives two girls on the swing set a wink. The girls begin whispering to each other.

"OMG. Check him out. He looks so cool. I love that diaper he's wearing."

"Yeah, he's so dreamy. He's totally gonna be the most popular baby on the playground. What should we do?"

"We need to go share his sandbox. Like yesterday."

I was so inspired by the Huggies Denim Diapers commercial that I thought I would work on a pitch for the next one. This is all I have so far, but my mind is reeling with possibilities. Because, whether I think it's a good idea or not, the commercial and the slogan are pretty creative and smart.

"The coolest you'll look pooping your pants." Come. On. That's hilarious! You have to give the marketing people some credit. They took a unnecessary and ridiculous product and made it work. It's like when you give a gag gift, you know no one is really needs the gift or takes it seriously but it's just too funny to pass up. It's all in the way you spin it.

That said, I wouldn't buy this diaper and I think it's slightly odd and wasteful to have a disposable diaper look "fancy" when you are just going to throw it away. I don't know if I could talk myself into spending more money for something like that. I could see maybe if it was a cloth diaper or another type of reusable diaper. It also doesn't make much sense to me because most people cover up the diapers with clothes and babies don't really care about what their clothes look like. I suppose a toddler might and that might be an argument for the fancy smancy diaper.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. This commercial give me the giggles and I appreciate that. They aren't taking themselves seriously and we shouldn't either!

If you haven't seen the commercial, never fear! I have posted it below!

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