Thursday, January 28, 2010

Vegetarians get no TV love!

Dear Food Network,

I love watching you. There. I said it. Non-foodies or stuck up foodies can call me lame but I love watching most everything you give us. I especially love the food competition shows along with the other special interest and unique programs you have. (Rock on Dinner Impossible!) But I also like tuning in for your actual cooking shows. But there's a problem, my dear well intentioned Food Network.

You have tons of cooking programs and not one of them, NOT ONE, is a vegetarian and/or vegan cooking show! Did I hear a surprised gasp as you read my shocking news? Have you hung your head in shame? I believe you have some serious thinking to do Food Network.

It's completely crananas that there's not a go-to show for vegetarians and vegans. I have to assume that you just didn't realize you've ignored a vital branch of the Foodie family tree. Otherwise, you've broken my fruit and veggie lovin' heart.

Let me take this opportunity to explain to you why you should have a meat free show!

Vegetarians are usually on the look out for recipes and things they can eat, perhaps with more vigor then some meat eaters. Why? Because it's harder to find things to eat when dining out so we tend to cook for ourselves more often than others.

Also, when flipping through regular cookbooks, there's only a handful of recipes for us to pick from. Instead, we buy vegetarian and vegan cookbooks galore, and are always on the hunt for the next yummy vegetarian friendly meal! We are a market to be had, Food Network!! Who would be more likely to tune in to an actual cooking show? Meaty Matt who can eat whatever he pleases, wherever he pleases, who can easily just boil two hot dogs instead of tuning in to discover a quick lunch time meal option? He's already got plenty of options at his finger tips! Or, would it be Tammy Tofu, the frustrated vegetarian, who struggles to find creative and different lunch options to bring to work each day?

These days being a vegetarian and/or vegan is much more common, so it seems like you really should step up to the dinner plate and deliver, in 30 minutes or less, a fab show for us meat free folk. Yes, you give us the lovely Ellie Krieger and her Healthy Appetite, but she still cooks with meat a lot of the time and frankly, sometimes a vegetarian wants some buttery goodness or something with lots of sugar in it! We like getting our comfort food on too!

If you really want to fix this snafu, it's as simple as making a salad! Please give all of your devoted meat free fans a cooking show we can happily watch and DVR to our hearts' content! If you have trouble coming up with a host, my mother and I would be happy to step in! At my own accord as a 4 year old, I decided to become a vegetarian and my mom, ever the super mom, starting cooking me vegetarian meals and she is now a seasoned pro and an actual food writer!

But of course, the most important thing is that you please serve up a vegetarian show! I will be waiting with my tummy rumbling and with pen and recipe cards at the ready.

Yours truly,


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