Monday, February 22, 2010

Valentine's Day Poop Heart

We can all send a big thank you to the AP for this gem of a story. I don't know if I could have lived my days without knowing about this crappy heartfelt gift that was given this past Valentine's Day. And no, I'm not talking about Valentine's Day the movie, I'm talking about some guy in Albert Lea, Minnesota that gave his wife of 37 years a giant heart made out of manure for Valentine's Day.

All I have to say is that after 37 years, if my husband gives me anything literally made out of crap, I would venture to guess he would be sleeping on the couch for a couple of nights. I'm all for being creative and I truly believe it's the thought that counts, but if you give poo as a gift, how much does that really count for? I mean it's poop. In case you haven't read the book, everybody does it. It doesn't take much thought to throw together some poo and pass it off as a gift (I can't even believe I just typed that as a sentence).

I think most women would prefer a homemade card out of paper. Or maybe a homemade dinner by candlelight. Or maybe little love notes hidden through out our belongings. Please, please take note men. Poop does not equal a good gift for most women.

Now yes, this man is a farmer and I'm sure it did take some work to round up the poop and make a heart shape out of it and an argument could be made that he loved her so much he was willing to wade through poop. And to be fair, his wife said it was the biggest and most original Valentine she's ever received. She counters to the naysayers, "Why not do something fun with what you got?"

Another news flash for ya guys. There are other ways to tell us you care, that work with what you got. Back to the drawing board if you come up with poop. He could have arranged a bunch of chicken eggs in a heart or used them to spell out I love you. He could have painted corn husks and laid them out to make a heart. Or he could have decorated his horse for Valentine's Day and took her on a romantic horseback ride to their barn where they had a picnic. Because in the end, I still have to come back to, what does it mean to give me a poop heart?! Is it, "Your love makes my heart feel like it's filled with shit!?"

Um. No thanks.

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